Errors while saving emitter as csv
cleterrier opened this issue · 5 comments
I have a notebook to batch filter emitters that I have updated for DECODE 0.10.0. It takes h5 as input (used to take pt with 0.9.4) and saves filtered emitters as csv. Here is the relevant code (loop on h5 files, filtering, saving):
for h5_path in filelist :
h5_path = h5_path.replace("\\", "/")
print("processing file " + h5_path)
#Load the .h5 file
emitter = decode.EmitterSet.load(h5_path) # path to the h5 file
csvout_path = h5_path.replace(".h5", ".csv")
print('filtered csv will be saved as: ' + csvout_path)
# filter on uncertainties (absolute) for EMCCD
sigma_x_high_threshold = 25 # be aware that these values will be *0.4 when converting into TS, like 50 = 20 nm, 22.5 = 9 nm
sigma_y_high_threshold = 25
sigma_z_high_threshold = 100
em_sub = emitter[(emitter.xyz_sig_nm[:, 0] <= sigma_x_high_threshold) * (emitter.xyz_sig_nm[:, 1] <= sigma_y_high_threshold) * (emitter.xyz_sig_nm[:, 2] <= sigma_z_high_threshold)]
# Save filtered emitters as csv
csvout_path = h5_path.replace(".h5", ".csv")
decode.utils.emitter_io.save_csv(csvout_path, em_sub.to_dict())'csvout_path')
print('saved filtered csv as: ' + csvout_path)
You see that the first saving line is the one from 0.9.4:
decode.utils.emitter_io.save_csv(csvout_path, em_sub.to_dict())
It was working fine on 0.9.4, now results in this error in 0.10.0:
processing file D:/210319 ENDO#10 TIF/C1b_N10_ctrl_clat-a2s-NF_clat647_MEA25.h5
filtered csv will be saved as: D:/210319 ENDO#10 TIF/C1b_N10_ctrl_clat-a2s-NF_clat647_MEA25.csv
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-591330129d10> in <module>
131 # Save filtered emitters as csv
132 csvout_path = h5_path.replace(".h5", ".csv")
--> 133 decode.utils.emitter_io.save_csv(csvout_path, em_sub.to_dict())
135 print('saved filtered csv as: ' + csvout_path)
TypeError: save_csv() missing 1 required positional argument: 'metadata'
If I comment out this line and replace it by the new saving command from 0.10.0 that accepts etiher pt, h5 or csv:'csvout_path')
I get another error:
processing file D:/210319 ENDO#10 TIF/C1b_N10_ctrl_clat-a2s-NF_clat647_MEA25.h5
filtered csv will be saved as: D:/210319 ENDO#10 TIF/C1b_N10_ctrl_clat-a2s-NF_clat647_MEA25.csv
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-340fa0e8eb0c> in <module>
132 csvout_path = h5_path.replace(".h5", ".csv")
133 #decode.utils.emitter_io.save_csv(csvout_path, em_sub.to_dict())
--> 134'csvout_path')
135 print('saved filtered csv as: ' + csvout_path)
~\.conda\envs\decode10_env\lib\site-packages\decode\generic\ in save(self, file)
255 emitter_io.save_csv(file,, self.meta)
256 else:
--> 257 raise ValueError
259 @staticmethod
What am I doing wrong here? How should I save the emitter (or is it a bug)?
Can you show me the error?
One thing: #decode.utils.emitter_io.save_csv(csvout_path, em_sub.to_dict())
will not work anymore because the signature has changed
But you are calling .save directly, so that is unrelated
Sorry I was completing/editing the post. Should be complete with the two errors now
You are parsing a string to .save()
it should be
(i.e. without marks).
You are still free to use the emitter_io.save_csv function, but you would need to call it like this
decode.utils.emitter_io.save_csv(path,, em_sub.meta):
Ha! Sorry for that
No worries :P