A sample showcasing a minimal implementation of a lobby experience using the Lobby and Relay packages.
- 012HChiangmai
- alejandro-sg
- AlexikoS01
- alva98alvasoft
- baponkarINDIA
- bgagnonUnity Technologies
- ChoiJeHyen
- ErkrodCLFW
- favoyangLittleBigFun & OpenUPM
- FejZaCodeEffect GmbH
- filiph1718
- gbviktorEarth
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- Harseerat-Singh-Sidhu
- hfOooneshotWuhan,China
- inventonaterUnited States
- jbltx@Unity-Technologies
- katana7755
- metahackerjpdevc@Intelligence-Canada-X @Intelligence-Canada-X
- onsemy@WeMadBlock
- pgarantVaxin Games
- PlayBeyond
- procellulaireCABALIAM Games
- provencherUnity Technologies
- rich-joslin-unity
- rygo6Olympia, WA
- saaadelMinsk, Belarus
- sarisarinyama
- serhanioSphere Entertainment Co.
- shunsuke-saito-mummy
- SushiWaUmaiconstruktivity GmbH
- UnityJacob
- Walter-HulsebosCommon-Games
- WuKaiYiEduHk
- xuyue1998cuc
- zagyar