
Enhance Import Efficiency with Batch Processing and Recursive Discovery

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Primary Request:

  • Batch Import Functionality:
    • Need: Ability to select and sequentially process multiple files for batch conversion.
    • Benefit: This will significantly reduce manual effort and time, especially critical for older hardware systems.

Additional Enhancements:

  • Selective Default Import Settings:
    • Function: Option to auto-select all file types for import, including .cs files, with a feature to skip files that cause import issues.
  • Persistent Folder Memory:
    • Function: The plugin should remember the last-used folder, simplifying repetitive import tasks.
  • Folder View Customization:
    • Preference: Switch from a grid of thumbnails to a list view in the folder selection window, and remember this setting.
  • Import Status Indicator:
    • Utility: Display whether a package has been previously imported to avoid duplication.
  • Post-Import Workflow Enhancement:
    • Convenience: An option to automatically reopen the file explorer after completing an import, aiding in continuous asset management.

Positive Feedback:

  • User Experience: The tool is highly valued for its user-friendly interface and high-quality output. The addition of batch import functionality would further establish this tool as a superior choice in asset importing.

These enhancements are aimed at improving efficiency and user experience. The primary request for batch processing, along with the additional features, would greatly benefit users dealing with large asset libraries.

Ok so I just find out that if you import those assets directly in a unity project and import the assets folder of that project, you will be able to import everything. Would be great if this was in the readme. Maybe it should also work with folder with only files of .unitypackage ?

I implemented much of the batch flow I think you are looking for in 1.0.1.

I opted not to implement a setting to load the file browser after a successful import, because I found it confusing and lacking feedback, and it seems to me unnecessary if using the batch workflow.

I did not implement "Import Status Indicator". It's a little tricky to do right, since I would have to extract the package to determine if I already imported it and that would be slow.

Generally speaking, I don't have a good approach for determining if a given asset was already imported. There's a checkbox to skip existing fbx files but that's not really a good tradeoff--plus, it still performs the conversion each time.