
Yet another FBX exporter with flatbuffers serialization, goes with the Viewer (https://github.com/VladSerhiienko/Viewer, WIP).

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

    ________         ____  _            ___          
   / ____/ /_  _  __/ __ \(_)___  ___  / (_)___  ___ 
  / /_  / __ \| |/_/ /_/ / / __ \/ _ \/ / / __ \/ _ \
 / __/ / /_/ />  </ ____/ / /_/ /  __/ / / / / /  __/
/_/   /_.___/_/|_/_/   /_/ .___/\___/_/_/_/ /_/\___/ 

FbxPipeline is the command line exporter for the .FBX files. It suits for the projects that already use or plan to use flatbuffers (Google's library for serialisation, https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/).

The main advantages are:

  • Free License.
  • Available for Linux, macOS Build Status and Windows Build status.
  • Animation.
  • Skinning.
  • Python Embedding (glTF plugin example).
  • Single generated header file from the scheme file (the pre-generated file in the repository can be used).
  • Packing for meshes (reduces memory bandwidth).
  • No processing on loading (simply memcpy the data and set appropriate image/buffers formats/attributes).
  • No libraries needed except flatbuffers.
  • Binary format (the loading speed is an essential factor; however, the way the file will be serialised depends on flatbuffers, that is very flexible).

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Features, that will be available soon:

  • Animation compression.
  • Mesh optimisation (reduces GPU vertex caching and memory bandwidth).
  • Parallelize mesh processing.
  • Integration of zlib/lzma for compression.
  • Image compression (ETC, PVR, PVR SDK).

Command line example

FBX + External PNGs

-i "$(ModelsDir)knight-artorias\source\Artorias.fbx"
-o "$(SolutionDir)assets\Artoriasv2.fbxp"
-e "$(ModelsDir)knight-artorias\**" -m ".*\.png"

FBX + Materials with external images in glTF

-i "C:\Sources\Models\knight-artorias\source\Artorias.fbx.fbx"
-o "C:/Sources/Models/knight-artorias.fbxp"
-l "C:/Sources/Models/knight-artorias.txt"
-e "C:/Sources/Models/knight-artorias/**"
-e "C:/Sources/Models/knight_artorias/**"
--script-file "glTFMaterialExtension.py"
--script-input "C:\Sources\Models\knight_artorias\scene.gltf"
Argument Comment
-i Input .FBX file
-o Output .FBX file
-p Enable mesh packing
-b Remove bad polies
-e Sets search location(s) for the files specified for embedding (two stars at the end mean recursive look-ups), the option can be used multiple times, for example: -e ../path/one/ -e ../path/two/** (all the child folders in ../path/two/ folder will be added recursively)
-m Embed file, regex (.*\.png means all the .png files), the option can be used multiple times

How to build (Linux, bash + cmake + make):


git clone git@github.com:VladSerhiienko/FbxPipeline.git
cd FbxPipeline
cmake -H. -Bbuild_linux_x86_64_gnu \
    -DFBX_SDK_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/travis/build/VladSerhiienko/FbxPipeline/FbxSdk/include \
    -DFBX_SDK_LIBRARY_DEBUG=/home/travis/build/VladSerhiienko/FbxPipeline/FbxSdk/lib/gcc4/x64/debug/libfbxsdk.a \
make -C build_linux_x86_64_gnu

How to build (MacOS, bash + cmake + make):


git clone git@github.com:VladSerhiienko/FbxPipeline.git
cd FbxPipeline
cmake -H. -Bbuild_darwin_x86_64_appleclang \
    -DFBX_SDK_INCLUDE_DIR=/Applications/Autodesk/FBX SDK/2019.0/include \
    -DFBX_SDK_LIBRARY_DEBUG=/Applications/Autodesk/FBX SDK/2019.0/lib/clang/debug/libfbxsdk.a \
    -DFBX_SDK_LIBRARY_RELEASE=/Applications/Autodesk/FBX SDK/2019.0/lib/clang/release/libfbxsdk.a
make -C build_darwin_x86_64_appleclang

How to build (Windows, PS + cmake + MSBuild):


git clone git@github.com:VladSerhiienko/FbxPipeline.git
cd FbxPipeline
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -Bbuild_windows_amd64_msvc -H. \
    -DFBX_SDK_INCLUDE_DIR="C:/Program Files/Autodesk/FBX/FBX SDK/2018.1.1/include" \
    -DFBX_SDK_LIBRARY_DEBUG="C:/Program Files/Autodesk/FBX/FBX SDK/2018.1.1/lib/vs2015/x64/debug/libfbxsdk-md.lib" \
    -DFBX_SDK_LIBRARY_RELEASE="C:/Program Files/Autodesk/FBX/FBX SDK/2018.1.1/lib/vs2015/x64/release/libfbxsdk-md.lib"
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe' build_windows_amd64\FbxPipeline.sln /target:ALL_BUILD /p:Configuration=Debug


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.