
[NEW FEATURE] MANAGE INSTRUMENT/SETTINGS --> Suggestion for default text and a naming convention

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When having to manage dozens of different microscopes, it is handy to have a unified way of identifying the individual system and their various components.
This is a suggestion for a default text naming for a microscopy system. TBD stands for "To Be Determined":
Microscope name: Institution_Site_roomTBD_microscopyType_serialNumberOfTheStandTBD
Microscopy type examples: transmitted light (TL), wide-field fluorescence (WFM), LSM, SD, TIRF, STED, etc.

As for specific components, the fluorescence cubes and their components vary a lot in my own experience. This is a suggestion for a default text naming for them:
Cube: “WFM green”
Excitation filter: “WFM 470/40x”
Dichroic: “WFM 495bs”
Emission filter: “WFM 525/50m”

To be discussed with QUAREP and BINA WG
Once the naming convention is adopted, it is possible that MMA could implement it automatically

Addressed on Trello https://trello.com/c/SiyAejth