Use Python scripts instead of Excel Macros?
Opened this issue · 3 comments
strambc commented
Alice proposed to stop using Excel Macros and instead using Python scripts for all functions of the Templates
- Macros are often not allowed
- Macros do not work in Macs
- Macros often have bugs
- User would have to launch Terminal
- If Terminal option is not acceptable, we need to develop a launch file one per each OS
- Need to install Python dependencies, users might not have Admin privileges but this could be solved if this is done at the CF. Installation would happen once only
strambc commented
- Harvest TAGS skipping top-two Directories (reserved to Project and Dataset)
strambc commented
- Limit the depth of folder structure? No need to we will dealth with by script
atykwonderland commented
put a launch file in every directory that needs to run the script -- next to the excel file it will read/write