A computation framework for genome-wide detection of enhancer-hijacking events from chromatin interaction data in re-arranged genomes
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Error occurred when Plotting Genes
#68 opened by ZJU-Plumber - 1
Can neoloopfinder applied to mitosis cells?
#67 opened by Xieeeee - 1
Pickle has an incompatible dtype
#66 opened by AudreyBaguette - 1
#64 opened by wangzhaohui-001 - 0
segment-cnv and plot-cnv issue
#65 opened by BERICP01 - 2
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The KeyError: 'weight'
#62 opened by biosciences - 1
- 0
problems in pyensembl_download_cache
#60 opened by ecesukilinc - 0
the removal of background signals in the plot?
#58 opened by xunchen85 - 2
genes overlapping in visualization
#59 opened by ninashenker - 1
neoloop-caller running error
#57 opened by xunchen85 - 1
what 's the version of pomegranate?
#56 opened by HanwenZhu98 - 2
segment-cnv error
#55 opened by abhijitcbio - 2
How to plot region not in assembly
#54 opened by Josephinedh - 1
juicer v2 .hic file as the input?
#51 opened by xunchen85 - 0
Labels overlap with filter
#53 opened by iagooteroc - 1
Can I use NeoLoopFinder for other organisms?
#52 opened by xinghua1001 - 4
NeoLoopFinder for Micro-C
#46 opened by PinpinSui - 2
Log2 Copy Number
#50 opened by Xieeeee - 4
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Missed assembled translocations in smaller bins
#49 opened by xunchen85 - 4
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Numpy.int AttributeError
#45 opened by TeoSakel - 6
neoloop-caller IndexError
#43 opened by zzhoujialu - 2
Python version in installation commands
#44 opened by kuba11 - 2
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visualization of CNV normalization in higlass
#33 opened by LuJiansen - 2
neoloop-caller error
#40 opened by ldyyzhangh - 2
Color of interaction matrix
#39 opened by stanleyrc - 8
download pre-trained Peakachu models
#34 opened by Bo-UT - 2
neoloop-caller has some error
#35 opened by yangfeizZZ - 3
neoloop-caller failed
#36 opened by yangfeizZZ - 0
generating figure has error
#38 opened by yangfeizZZ - 0
The output of neoloop-caller is empty
#37 opened by yangfeizZZ - 3
- 1
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How to output the Regular loop and Tads without SVs
#22 opened by wzhang42 - 1
How do I handle cool files
#23 opened by shidetong - 4
calculate-cnv runtime error
#27 opened by katreya42 - 1
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CNV adjustment
#26 opened by DittmanC - 3
Custom enzyme list
#24 opened by mt96stanley - 2
compatibility with hiChIP data
#28 opened by SplitInf - 6
Run segment-cnv with KeyError: 0
#29 opened by jxulab - 2
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result in error running assemble-complexSVs
#21 opened by zhangli271828 - 0
Generating the genome wide loops
#20 opened by wt2855918 - 4
input with mouse cells
#19 opened by skytguuu