
Course project for Computer Design and Practice at HIT.

Primary LanguageVHDL

MIPS-32 Soft-Core CPU

This is my course project for Machine Organization at HIT.

It contains a Soft-Core MIPS-32 CPU written by Verilog, and tested on Xilinx XC7A35T-1 CPG236C FPGA.

An example assembly code sin_mips is provided for testing, which calculates the sin() value of the input from on-board buttons.

Implemented instructions

addiu addu add.s andi bc1t beq
bgez blez bne cvt.w.s cvt.s.w c.le.s
c.lt.s div.s mtc1 mfc1 mul.s multu
mfhi mflo lw lwc1 lui j
jal jr sll sllv slt slti
srl srlv sw swc1 sub.s subu

Implemented Registers

32 General Purpose Registers $v0-$v31

32 Floating Point Registers $f0-$f31

Detailed documentation (Project Report) can be found in docs directory, but currently it is in Chinese.