The official Unity integration for Yarn Spinner, the friendly dialogue tool.
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Support for more languages
#264 opened by nimost1 - 1
AddCommandHandler<string[]> doesn't register command with arbitrary number of parameters
#260 opened by dario-zubovic - 1
Duplication of entries in Source Files field when applying changes to yarnproject
#293 opened by H3G0A - 0
Dialogue Stops Running When Jumping to Current Node While Using Audio Line Provider
#296 opened by amesterSim - 0
- 0
Warnings: A meta data file (.meta) exists but its asset '<path to asset>' can't be found.
#273 opened by helixquar - 1
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Don't `DismissLine` when options are presented
#266 opened by jakezatecky - 3
Can not access Nodes property
#274 opened by NSFriend - 1
How does YarnParameter attribute work?
#282 opened by heshuimu - 0
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Make fields on LineView public
#289 opened by iatenothingbutriceforthreedays - 0
PausableTypewriter: a pause at the beginning of the line breaks all pauses in the line
#290 opened by iatenothingbutriceforthreedays - 3
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Speech Bubble (unity addon) not showing inline sprites in bubble content
#278 opened by yarn-spinner-bot - 0
Speech Bubbles not showing Sprites
#277 opened by yarn-spinner-bot - 1
holdTime is not configurable without auto advance enabled, but still affects behaviour
#295 opened by Wolfos - 0
[YarnCommand] with parameter Vector2 fails for unclear reason with "incorrect number of parameters"
#288 opened by hsandt - 1
v3: SourceCodeGenerator throwing compile errors
#281 opened by dario-zubovic - 0
v3, minor suggestion: collision between Unity.Yarn and OdinInspector attributes
#279 opened by dario-zubovic - 0
test bot issue
#276 opened by yarn-spinner-bot - 1
Project Import Error
#272 opened by dnid-gsexauer - 2
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Add support for legacy input system buttons and key down in Dialogue Advance Input
#241 opened by ketexon - 1
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DialogueException: Cannot continue running dialogue. No node has been selected.
#262 opened by Bryan-Legend - 0
Code generator should log a diagnostic when attempting to create linking code for private methods
#263 opened by McJones - 5
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SetProject() not (actually) working
#251 opened by Torres-Git - 0
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Unexpected locale-aware string conversions cause problems when calling commands with float variables as arguments in some locales
#218 opened by fmoo - 4
2023.2.0a14 requires package changes.
#233 opened by vertxxyz - 2
Instead of requiring dialogue views to be active / enabled allow the user to override when ready to use
#227 opened by cjacobwade - 1
Error installing package
#229 opened by redduvel - 0
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SetProject() doesn't work after v2.3.1 update
#245 opened by opennoise1 - 0
"Add Line Tags To Scripts" can duplicate line IDs
#225 opened by Fscibe - 1
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Indent/Dedent Issue With Unity Add Line Tags
#215 opened by virtualosus - 1
Effects.Typewriter fails when TimeScale is 0
#239 opened by danielk-sn - 4
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Yarn Program caching has a stale side effect
#224 opened by carlosdperezruiz - 0
The problem of switching YarnProject in command
#231 opened by Stapxs - 1