findmarkergenes and cancer argument

c1au6i0 opened this issue · 2 comments

setting thecancer argument in findmarkersgenes throws an error.

                               species = "Mouse",
                               cluster = "All",
                               match_CellMatch = TRUE,
                               cancer = "Lung",
                               cell_min_pct = 0.25,
                               logfc = 0.25,
                               pvalue = 0.05)
#> Note: the raw data matrix includes 203 cells and 1564 genes. 
#> ---Revising gene symbols according to NCBI Gene symbols (updated in June 19, 2020, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene) and no matched genes and duplicated genes will be removed. 
#> Note: the new data matrix includes 203 cells and 1564 genes.
#> Error in findmarkergenes(mouse_kidney_203_Seurat, species = "Mouse", cluster = "All", : Lung, not matched with the cancer types in CellMatch database! Please select one or more related cancer types.

I tried also using different type of cancers. Am I missing something?

Hello, you can try

                               species = "Mouse",
                               cluster = "All",
                               match_CellMatch = TRUE,
                               cancer = "Lung Cancer",
                               tissue = "Lung",
                               cell_min_pct = 0.25,
                               logfc = 0.25,
                               pvalue = 0.05)

Mouse cancer types and tissue types are detailed in wiki page

Got it, I have to add "Cancer" to the type of cancer argument. Thank you!