object not interpretable as a factor

lxwang326 opened this issue · 2 comments

hi ,can you help me?
what's wrong with the problem?

clu_ann <- scCATCH(clu_markers$clu_markers,

  •                species = "Mouse",
  •                cancer = C('Lung Cancer','Lung Adenocarcinoma','Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer'),
  •                tissue = C('Airway epithelium','Alveolus','Bronchoalveolar system','Lung','Blood','Peripheral blood'))

Error in C("Lung Cancer", "Lung Adenocarcinoma", "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer") :
object not interpretable as a factor

您好,数据库里小鼠的cancer type没有'Lung Adenocarcinoma','Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer',只有Lung Cancer,所以这个参数只能是

scCATCH(clu_markers$clu_markers, species = 'Mouse', cancer = 'Lung Cancer', tissue = 'Lung')


thank you!