PhD in light transport / rendering. I am interested in the areas of light transport, physical simulation, and game design.
Pinned Repositories
This repository will eventually hold the supplemental data and code for the paper: "" which will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2022
A repository for my hobby rendering engine
Ben Lin and I's Final Project for our Graduate Computer Graphics course. Simulating Fracture using Peridynamics
A small library for storing images and editing them programmatically
Some source code for my research in Neural Networks. This project is basically just me testing my own implementations of the NEAT algorithm which will be used in a much larger project that I will post later
The repository for our publication: "Progressive null-tracking for volumetric rendering" which will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2023 for the Conference Track!
A set of example tests from my SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 publication: Integral formulations of volumetric transmittance
ZackMisso's Repositories
An IPhone game currently in the pre-Alpha stages of development (Will also be ported to Android after iOS release). None of my art or audio assets will be included in this repository
Some source code for my research in Neural Networks. This project is basically just me testing my own implementations of the NEAT algorithm which will be used in a much larger project that I will post later
A generic level editor that I made that will allow the user to create custom levels for any two dimensional game. This is an unfinished demo. I will be making another one in the near future.
A game made for the 2014 Egads Game Jam. Team members were Zackary Misso and Mark Bakke.
A project for school where I implemented a basic hill climbing algorithm, a hill climbing algorithm with random restarts, and a genetic estimate the maximum of a hard coded function. I also implemented a hill climbing algorithm to solve any (solvable) sudoku puzzle.
My game for the IndiesVsGamers Game Jam. Note: None of the art or audio assets will be included. Here is a link to download and play the game :
A recreation of the old school Mario platformer. This is going to be used for my research project. Please note I am implementing a very bare-bones version of the game to save time for evolving AI agents
My experimentation with creating a Physics Engine. I am currently making one that only works in two dimensions, but I plan to expand into three dimensions once I get this working.
A Pokemon Clone. Something I'll get to eventually
Just some of my experimentation with Ray Tracing
We know what you're thinking. The classic space invaders didn't have enough players. Not only that, but such an integral classic in gaming history deserves a revamped, high-definition, JFrame-compatible reboot. This is like the JJ Abrams reboot of Star Trek, only with less lens flares and MORE pixels. In this digital epic, an escadrille of four squares face the daunting task of eliminating red squares. Having surrounded a grouped band of foes, the band of bold blocks resolve to rout the rancorous reds. Now the compatriots must unite in concentration of wills to wipe out the wiley combatants. Can you and your quadrilateral comrades completely crush the cursed cruelty of crimson? (This has a game made in 8 hours at a hackathon)