PackDock: a Diffusion Based Side Chain Packing Model for Flexible Protein-Ligand Docking
- 9thNight
- AhmedHassanin-IPBIPB-Halle
- baptistebignaud
- bbyun28
- bio-rat
- bwang-ecnuEast China Normal University
- ddemonte0306University at Buffalo
- DingLuoXMUxiamen university
- Immortals-33Shanghai
- ioioba
- JinyuanSunInstitute of Microbiology, CAS
- jongseo-parkSouth Korea
- KSUN63UC Berkeley Chem
- kwongrape
- KyGaoHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- MachineGUN001
- Mengo-ye
- RuikangSunShanghaiTech University
- ryanpedersonterray
- SejeongPark8354Korea University
- ullahsameeNational Center for Bioinformatics
- Wang-Lin-boopInstitute of Systems Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences/Suzhou Institute of Systems Medicine (ISM)
- xionghaoli
- yipy0005Singapore
- Zhang-Runze