the result of trajectory is so different from groundtruth
Mrzzhao opened this issue · 2 comments
hello,thanks for your share.I have tried the project.but I found the result of trajectory is different from the groundtruth .I plot the trajectory with matlab,and found this. could you tell me how to compare the trajectory with groundtruth ? thank you.
Hi, for EUROC dataset, the ground truth is in the world reference frame(from body to world),not the camera frame. First, you should transform the groundtru to the body frame by left-multipling the inverse of the first groundtru pose. You will get the pose in the body frame(from body k to body 0). Next, you should tranform the pose in body to the left cam frame by the extrinsic parameters by the dataset. Now you can compare the pose computed by the odometry with the pose derived from the two-step tramsformation.
I have solved the problem now, still thank you for your guidance!
I follow your instructions, first obtain the rotation matrix with the first ground truth quaternions and translation with the first ground truth translations to form the general transformation matrix M. Then for each ground truth pos, left-multiply the inverse of the first groundtru pose and left-multiply left cam frame's extrinsic matrix K, i.e. pos = K * inv(M) * pos. However, I obtain the following result. I would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!