- alvrogd@codee-com @citiususc
- amfl
- andre-marcos-perezML Engineer at @sumup
- andrea-nistiStellantis
- aquovaGarmin
- Betelgeuse1Limoges, France
- bluedysonsphere
- boublFrance
- clsourceNinjas CL
- eightlittlebitsYateley, Hampshire, UK
- eriedNorway
- georgjz
- golemshaper
- gpadd
- haroldo-ok
- JacknetFlorida, USA
- jacobkoziej@CooperUnion
- JL2210
- JoshuaKlassen
- KaleidosiumJakarta Capital Region, Indonesia
- KevinVitaleDetroit Ketchup Company, The
- loociano@google
- lqd
- MarioCdeSWeesp, The Netherlands
- Mte90Codeat SRLS
- Nutjob
- ProfOak
- quentin-dev@alan-eu
- return5mississippi
- rwinrightImerza, For Real Games
- spec-chumEngland
- taylusEau Claire, Wisconsin
- tobiasvl@unioslo
- TTibz27
- willbrUK
- zloidThe third planet from the Sun