
A Gazebo plugin for pedestians with collision property. You can construct a dynamic environment in ROS easily using plugin.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Table of Contents


This is a Gazebo plugin for pedestians with collision property. You can construct a dynamic environment in ROS easily using plugin.

File Tree

The file structure is shown below.

├── assets
└── src
    ├── pedestrian_plugins
    │   ├── 3rdparty
    │   ├── gazebo_ped_visualizer_plugin
    │   └── gazebo_sfm_plugin
    ├── pedestrian_simulation
    │   ├── config
    │   ├── launch
    │   ├── maps
    │   ├── rviz
    │   ├── scripts
    │   ├── urdf
    │   └── worlds
    ├── pedestrian_tracker
    │   ├── scripts
    │   └── weight
    └── user_config


To start simulation, compile using catkin_make. You can directly using this folder as workspace.

cd ros_pedestrians_simulation/

Or, we assume that your workspace is ~/sim_platform/.

cd ros_pedestrians_simulation/
cp -r src/* ~/sim_platform/src/
cd ~/sim_platform/

Edit pedestrians configure

cd ./user_config/
touch user_config.yaml

Below is the example of user_config.yaml

map: test_scene
world: empty
  robot_type: turtlebot3_waffle
  robot_x_pos: 5.0
  robot_y_pos: 1.0
  robot_z_pos: 0.0
  robot_yaw: 0.0
rviz_file: sim_env.rviz
pedestrians: pedestrians_config.yaml
obstacles: obstacles_config.yaml


  • map: static map,located in src/pedestrian_simulation/maps/,
  • world: Gazebo world,located in src/pedestrian_simulation/worlds/.
  • robot_config: robotic configuration.
    • robot_type: robotic type,such as turtlebot3_burger, turtlebot3_waffle and turtlebot3_waffle_pi.
    • xyz_pos and yaw: robotic initial pose.
  • rviz_file: RVIZ configure, set rviz_file as "" for first use.
  • pedestrians: configure file to add dynamic obstacles(e.g. pedestrians).
  • obstacles: configure file to add static obstacles.

For pedestrians and obstacles configuration files, the examples are shown below

## pedestrians_config.yaml

# sfm algorithm configure
  animation_factor: 5.1
  # only handle pedestrians within `people_distance`
  people_distance: 6.0
  # weights of social force model
  goal_weight: 2.0
  obstacle_weight: 80.0
  social_weight: 15
  group_gaze_weight: 3.0
  group_coh_weight: 2.0
  group_rep_weight: 1.0

# pedestrians setting
  update_rate: 5
    enable: true
    model: DROW3
    weight: ckpt_jrdb_ann_drow3_e40.pth
    - name: human_1
      pose: 5 -2 1 0 0 1.57
      velocity: 0.9
      radius: 0.4
      cycle: true
      time_delay: 5
        model_1: ground_plane
        model_2: turtlebot3_waffle
        goal_point_1: 5 -2 1 0 0 0
        goal_point_2: 5 2 1 0 0 0
    - name: human_2
      pose: 6 -3 1 0 0 0
      velocity: 1.2
      radius: 0.4
      cycle: true
      time_delay: 3
        model_1: ground_plane
        model_2: turtlebot3_waffle
        goal_point_1: 6 -3 1 0 0 0
        goal_point_2: 6 4 1 0 0 0


  • social_force: The weight factors that modify the navigation behavior. See the Social Force Model for further information.
  • pedestrians/update_rate: Update rate of pedestrains presentation. The higher update_rate, the more sluggish the environment becomes.
  • pedestrians/ped_tracker: Pedestrians tracker thread. NOTE: Need Pytorch environment!
    • enable: Enable the tracker.
    • model: Select the detection model. Optional: DROW3 or DR-SPAAM
    • weight: The weight file for the detection model respectively which located in pedestrian_tracker/weight/...
  • pedestrians/ped_property: Pedestrians property configuration.
    • name: The id for each human.
    • pose: The initial pose for each human.
    • velocity: Maximum velocity (m/s) for each human.
    • radius: Approximate radius of the human's body (m).
    • cycle: If true, the actor will start the goal point sequence when the last goal point is reached.
    • time_delay: This is time in seconds to wait before starting the human motion.
    • ignore_obstacles: All the models that must be ignored as obstacles, must be indicated here. The other actors in the world are included automatically.
    • trajectory. The list of goal points that the actor must reach must be indicated here. The goals will be post into social force model.
## obstacles_config.yaml 

# static obstacles
  - type: BOX
    pose: 5 2 0 0 0 0
    color: Grey
      m: 1.00
      w: 0.25
      d: 0.50
      h: 0.80


  • type: model type of specific obstacle, Optional: BOX, CYLINDER or SPHERE
  • pose: fixed pose of the obstacle
  • color: color of the obstacle
  • props: property of the obstacle
    • m: mass
    • w: width
    • d: depth
    • h: height
    • r: radius


We provide a script to quickly start the world

cd ./pedestrian_simulation/scripts


More examples could be found at https://github.com/ai-winter/ros_motion_planning.
