
Bayesian Learning for Control in Multimodal Dynamical Systems | written in Org-mode

Primary LanguageTeX

PhD Thesis: Bayesian Learning for Control in Multimodal Dynamical Systems

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This repository contains the org and LaTeX source for my PhD thesis.

Publications & Code

Some of the work in my thesis is published in:

Trajectory Optimisation in Learned Multimodal Dynamical Systems via Latent-ODE Collocation
Aidan Scannell, Carl Henrik Ek, Arthur Richards
Published in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Paper Code
Mode-constrained Model-based Reinforcement Learning via Gaussian Processes
Aidan Scannell, Carl Henrik Ek, Arthur Richards
Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)
Paper Code Code

The work in each of the content chapters is roughly split into the following code bases:

Identifiable Mixtures of Sparse Variational Gaussian Process Experts
Aidan Scannell, Carl Henrik Ek, Arthur Richards
Mode Remaining Trajectory Optimisation
Aidan Scannell, Carl Henrik Ek, Arthur Richards
Paper Code
Mode-constrained Model-based Reinforcement Learning via Gaussian Processes
Aidan Scannell, Carl Henrik Ek, Arthur Richards
Paper Code Code

Instructions to Build PDF

Generate phd-thesis.pdf from phd-thesis.org using

emacs --batch -l init.el phd-thesis.org -f org-latex-export-to-pdf --kill

This uses the Emacs LaTeX exporter so I provide a minimal Emacs configuration in init.el and export to pdf in batch mode.

The Dockerfile creates a working environment which can be built with

docker build -t emacs-image .


    title = {Bayesian Learning for Control in Multimodal Dynamical Systems},
    author = {Aidan Scannell},
    school = {University of Bristol},
    year = {2022}}