
Quantitative result mismatch

jk4011 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, and thank you for your excellent work.
I noticed that the quantitative results from tables 1, 9, 10, and 12 differ.
For example, the KITTI-AbsRel scores for GenPercept (or Baseline) are 0.099, 0.140, 0.145, and 0.140, respectively.
Could you help me understand what I might be missing?

For table 1, the model is trained on Hypersim + Virtual KITTI. For tables 9, 10, and 12, these models are trained on Hypersim only.

For tables 9 and 12, they are trained with a batchsize of 16, but it changed to 8 for tale 10. It seems that we forgot to mention it in our paper, and we will update it in the future.

The reason for changing the batchsize to 8 is that GenPercent (PixArt-α) can not be trained for batchsize 16 because of "CUDA out of memory" on A800.