
Applying RL methods for autonomous driving in Carla simulator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Applying RL algorithm methods for autonomous driving in Carla simulator.

Sensors used - Camera and Lidar

1) gym
1) Carla 0.9.6 from https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/releases/tag/0.9.6
2) Install gym style wrapper from https://github.com/cjy1992/gym-carla
3) PyTorch

Training & Testing (for DQN) -
1) Clone
git clone https://github.com/akjayant/Autonomous-Driving-via-RL/
2) Go to CARLA_0.9.6 directory & run the simulator in non-display mode.
/CARLA_0.9.6$ DISPLAY= ./CarlaUE4.sh -opengl -carla-port=2000
3) Train from repo root directory
cd DQN_discrete_drive
python train.py
4) Test your agent
python test.py

1) DQN Model built on Discrete Actions and primitive reward function : DQN_Discrete_drive

# ver 1.0
single path concat - Concat CAMERA and LiDAR frames and extracts features froom it.
# ver 2.0
Uses 'state' which contains lateral distance error,speed, presence of vehicle infront etc observation from environment as well.
multipath - Treats CAMERA and LiDAR frames seperately, extracts features from respective CNN and then concat.
single path concat - Concat CAMERA and LiDAR frames and extracts features from it.

  - Does okay on straight roads & slightly curve roads and follows lane on roundabouts occasionally.
  - Fails on sharp turns.
  - Avoids collisions after training (when speed is slow) but during explorations,it does collide.
  - At faster speeds, collision still occurs.
 # ver 3.0
 Safe exploration during training -
 python safety_train.py False
 python saftey_train.py True
 python train.py
  - Explores safely than previous versions during training. (Applies brakes when out of lane/ obstacle ahead in same lane).
  - at faster speed collsion still occurs. Requires better vision features like semantic segmentation, depth map etc. and longer past frames.
 # ver 4.0 
  Safe Exploration + Better Vision features + More past frames in state represenation - WIP

ver 2.0 - p

2) DDPG Agent built on contionous actions and primitve reward function -DDPG_Continuous_drive

Doesn't work quite well as of now!