
Repository for interfacing ESP32 with MPU6050 IMU sensor and publishing IMU readings to ROS over Wi-Fi. This is part of my internship project on Tower Robogame at AIRLab, PoliMi

Primary LanguageMakefile


Repository for interfacing ESP32 DevKit v1 with MPU6050 IMU sensor and publishing IMU readings to ROS over Wi-Fi. This is part of my internship project of Tower Robogame at AIRLab, PoliMi


  • ROS must be installed in laptop (or PC)
  • Arduino IDE must be installed in laptop (or PC)
  • Arduino rosserial must be installed (see this link)
  • ESP32 boards software must be installed in Arduino IDE through the Boards Manager
  • Download MPU6050_tockn library and save in <installation_location>/Arduino/libraries path

Connections between ESP32 DevKit v1 and MPU6050

ESP32 DevKit v1 MPU6050 IMU sensor

Note : If you are using external power supply (to VIN pin), then remember to have common ground for all 3 (ESP, IMU and power supply).


  • Open a terminal and do roscore to start the ROS master.
  • Do ifconfig in another terminal and find your IP address (it is also the IP address of the ROS master)
  • Configure your Wi-Fi SSID, password and the ROS master IP address in the imu_esp_ros.ino file
  • Upload the imu_esp_ros.ino file to the ESP32 board through Arduino IDE
  • Open another terminal and run rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py tcp. This should allow the ESP32 to publish and subscribe to topics on the PC ROS master.
  • Open another terminal and run rostopic echo /imu_data to check the output or rqt_plot to visualize the IMU data.

Note : In case the ESP32 does not connect when you do rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py tcp, then press the EN button on the ESP32.

Note : If you are using an Arduino without Wi-Fi but connected through USB, just use rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyUSB* where you should replace the * by a number that you can find if you use ls /dev/ttyUSB. Sometimes, the command could be ls /dev/ttyACM.