Matplot++: A C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization 📊🗾
- akashsharma02Carnegie Mellon University
- Alan5142Altomobile
- AlexandreFoley
- chiumichaelHong Kong
- cosmic-anomaly
- csp256Apple
- dsmccall
- durkaExyn Technologies
- erolrecepFayetteville, AR
- freak82
- fridgeratorMutual of Omaha
- GitHimanshucCalifornia Institute of Technology
- hellodword
- JKI757
- kurogane1031Japan
- mborland@cppalliance
- Mika571Brisbane, Australia
- miraduloSeattle, WA
- mje-nz
- MKamelllCairo, Egypt
- rcpsilva
- rewrking@scopely
- rrios-eqReality Labs
- seanngpackhigh frequency trading
- sidsoehartoIndonesia
- sissow2Exyn Technologies
- solid-angleDisbelief, LLC
- SpartanJArgentina
- spudwa
- TheLandfill
- tractorpulledpork
- turtleqiuShanghai, China
- Utkarsh-khambra
- vinc456Vancouver, Canada
- wcjohnsSandia National Laboratories
- zach-brockway@EpicGames