Multi-view-AE: An extensive collection of multi-modal autoencoders implemented in a modular, scikit-learn style framework.
- 13204942School of Medicine, University College Dublin
- aflah02Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi
- Al3n70rn
- andrealtmannUCL
- bobthefairycat
- DandelightChengdu, China
- dmandacheInstitut Pasteur
- dominikkraft
- fan222San Francisco
- FastAndFourier@isir
- florencejtLondon
- gbartyzelStellantis
- HChughtai@UCL
- jameschapman19UCL
- liamchalcroft@WCHN @UCL
- lileitechUniversity of Southampton
- llevitisLondon, England
- lrysx
- mbuchwa
- Mrueda1992Madrid, Spain.
- NMontanaBrownLondon
- novocodev
- roma-goodokAlign Technology
- roshchupkin
- sara-02@LCS2-IIITD
- sdrakulich
- sea-shunned@FrancisCrickInstitute
- songnku
- stefanDeveloper@Uni-Heidelberg
- SuperPC328London
- syan1992
- thomassutterETH Zurich
- tomlincr@ucl-ihi
- wendyfyxUniversity of Southern California
- yujing1997McGill University
- zichunxxChina