Welcome to my GitHub Pages

Please refer to my online CV and GitHub account.

Hereby I summarize my GitHub projects. Hopefully this TOC will make it easier to get an idea of what technologies I am using in my projects.

Table of Contents


Machine Learning

Machine learning projects in Jupyter Notebooks using Python.

| Repository | Libraries
(other than *) | Progress | Keywords/Description | |: --------- |:--------------------------------------:|:-----:| |ScienceEducationLDA | Gensim, NLTK, scipy | | Analysis of 100 years of Science Education literature using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing | |PERC_TopicModel | Gensim, NLTK, scipy | | Novel NLP algorithm to analyze topics in textual data over time | |NER | spacy | | Named Entity Recognition | |Restaurant_TimeSeries | statsmodels, scipy | | Time-series analysis, SARIMAX models| |Presidentspeech | nltk, urllib2, beautifulsoup, re, pyLDAvis, wordcloud | | Natural Language Processing, feature extraction, LDA, NMF, regular expressions | | MITprojects | nltk, gensim, urllib2, beautifulsoup, scrape, re, pyLDAvis, wordcloud | | Topic analysis, Web scraping, feature extraction | |KalmanFiltering_ConstantVelocity | | | Study on Kalman filters| | PredictWages_EnsembleMethods | statsmodel | | Regressors, ensemble methods, cross-validation| | PredictingWages_Regression | scipy, patsy, statsmodel | | Regression using different libraries, feature engineering, cross-validation| |ChallengerSpaceShuttle | | | Study on logistic regression |

Standard libraries that I use in every notebook are:
* scikit-learn, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, Jupyter, and other common libraries.


Projects based on Python.

| Repository | Technologies
(other than Python) | Progress | Description | |: ------------- |:-------------|:-----:|:-----------| | Canvas LMS data export | CanvasAPI | | Programmatically download data from Canvas LMS | DocOnce | Docker, pytest, HTML, LaTeX, Docker | | Maintenance and development of the DocOnce software | Mezzanine-website | Mezzanine, Django, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, SQLite | | Site based on Django and the Mezzanine CMS | Djangoresume | Django, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, SQLite | | Online resume in Django | PyPuma| pandas | | Translating to python a gene regulatory network reconstruction algorithm| | PyPanda| pandas | | Translating to python a gene regulatory network reconstruction algorithm| | tantrix | Tkinter, socket, event-driven programming | | Implementation of a puzzle game|

Web technologies

Projects using HTML/CSS/javascript/etc. Other projects using web technologies are listed in the Python and InterSystems sections

| Repository | Technologies | Progress | Description | |: ------------- |:-------------|:-----:|:-----------| | AWS FileRepo | AWS, React | | React app for uploading/downloading files using React and AWS cloud services (Amplify, Cognito User Pools, S3 storage, etc) | | Boardgame Website | React, Google Firebase | | Website for boardgame groups using the BoardGameGeek API | | Forum Website | React, Google Firebase | | Forum website | | React-Redux-CRUD-boilerplate | React, Redux | | Boilerplate for React with Redux, reactstrap, router, running CRUD operations on API| | Zero Waste Locator | MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js), Google Maps API, RxJS | | MEAN app for searching and storing zero-waste shops on Google Maps| | JSON2ngForm | Angular | | Webpages based on Angular where a rubric (i.e. a "dynamic" form) can be stored to and built from json specification| | ngSpotify | Angular | | Angular app for searching artists on Spotify| | SiteRedirect | HTML, javascript, TamperMonkey | | TemperMonkey extension to redirect URLs| | IS-ports | HTML, javascript, TamperMonkey | | TemperMonkey extension to change ports| | iGrow | HTML, javascript, CSS, D3 | | App to track a baby's body measurements and compare it with WHO data|


Projects mainly involving InterSystems' technologies, in particular Caché Objectscript, DeepSee (InterSystems' Business Intelligence product), and Zen (InterSystems' web application framework)

| Repository | Technologies | Progress | Description | |: ------------- |:-------------|:-----:| |DeepSeeButtons| DeepSee, HTML, CSS, javascript| | Reporting tool to log an instance| |DeepSee_CubeManagerMonitor| DeepSee, amCharts, Zen| | Dashboard to monitor the DeepSee Cube Manager | |DeepSee_TimeCharts| DeepSee, amCharts, Zen| | Better time charts for DeepSee | |DeepSee_LastFactPlugin| DeepSee, Zen, javascript | | DeepSee plugin KPIs | |DeepSee_SecurityTools| DeepSee, Caché ObjectScript | | Class setting up security on a Caché instance | |Install-Samples-BI| Caché ObjectScript| | Automatically download and install the SAMPLES namespace on a new Caché/IRIS instance | |DeepSee-USNames| DeepSee, web scraping| | Cube and dashboards from web scraped data| |DeepSee-Erdbeben| DeepSee| | Cube and dashboards created from web scraped data|


| Repository | Technologies | Progress | Description | |: ------------- |:-------------|:-----:|:-----------| | Syntax for the Sublime Text editor | Sublime Text, YAML | | Highlight syntax for file editor that I use for plain text files | | Mint Window Manager | Linux, bash | | Bash scripts for tiling windows in Linux Mint |