- 0
#71 opened by Spencerjselert - 1
Screen Saver settings
#53 opened - 0
Prompt for password missing
#70 opened by socratous - 2
Disable all apple services. They're behave like spyware and can be abused by government request.
#67 opened by vadimszzz - 2
How to receive gmail security code
#68 opened by Cruzbright112 - 0
#69 opened by Cruzbright112 - 2
Firewall Configuration Error
#66 opened by xixi743 - 1
Update for macOS Big Sur?
#65 opened by funky-monkey - 0
- 1
Prevent automatic software whitelisting
#63 opened by thistehneisen - 2
Update for macOS Mojave
#56 opened by alichtman - 0
Disable sshd and httpd if not needed
#59 opened by alichtman - 1
- 6
- 2
- 0
Develop a GUI
#51 opened by alichtman - 0
Extract splash screen and warnings to constants
#54 opened by alichtman - 0
Make sure software updates are enabled
#58 opened by alichtman - 0
Set up CI Testing
#55 opened by alichtman - 0
brew release
#13 opened by alichtman - 17
Does stronghold work with macOS 10.12.6?
#42 opened by bknowles - 1
- 1
Clear Downloads Metadata bug
#35 opened by alichtman - 0
Warn if Remote Login is Enabled
#47 opened by alichtman - 0
Issues/PR Template +
#36 opened by alichtman - 1
Clear Siri Data
#34 opened by alichtman - 0
Disable Printer Sharing
#37 opened by alichtman - 0
Add FileVault Not Enabled Warning
#38 opened by alichtman - 0
Add Siri Enabled Warning
#40 opened by alichtman - 0
Add to awesome-macadmin-tools
#44 opened by alichtman - 4
Possible bug: restart keeps getting interrupted
#43 opened by VanGTO - 0
Add FEATURED IN: macOS_Sec_Priv DrDuh to README
#41 opened by alichtman - 0
Add prompt for bash script
#39 opened by alichtman - 2
- 0
README Updates
#20 opened by alichtman - 1
Enable Gatekeeper
#22 opened by alichtman - 0
Travis CI?
#30 opened by alichtman - 0
Next Release
#29 opened by alichtman - 1
Add more CLI options
#18 opened by alichtman - 3
Firewall sudo password incorrect bug
#6 opened by alichtman - 0
Top line bold, bottom line not bold.
#27 opened by alichtman - 0
Restart prompt at end of program.
#28 opened by alichtman - 4
- 1
- 1
**Maybe** replace "[Y/n]" with pick
#5 opened by alichtman - 0
Update pypi readme to github markdown
#21 opened by alichtman - 1
Wrap text dynamically for prints
#12 opened by alichtman - 1
- 1
PiPy README not displaying correctly
#10 opened by alichtman - 1
Homebrew Release
#11 opened by alichtman