
An FPGA-based RISC-V SoC to mess around with

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

FPGA Playground

This repository hosts the code I wrote when playing around with FPGAs. Specifically, the Verilog code I wrote describes a "System on Chip" for the DE0-CV based on the picoRV32 softcore.

Directory Structure

  • The src/ folder has the Verilog code.
    • The hdl/ subfolder has the code describing the SoC.
    • The test/ subfolder contains a very simple testbench (if you can call it that)
  • The mem/ folder has initialization files for some of the Block RAMs used by the SoC
    • The program_ram/ subfolder has RISC-V code to be loaded and run into the primary BRAM.
    • The char_rom/ subfolder describes a character set used by the VGA subsystem.
  • The ip/ folder would contain all the IP blocks used. Their files have been ignored, so check the ip/.gitignore file for descriptions of the components.

Memory Map

This mapping is implicitly defined in src/hdl/soc.v in the code instantiating an arbiter module.

  • Main Memory: 0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_ffff
    • Readable, Writeable, Executable
    • Initialized from mem/program_ram/program.mem
    • Starts execution at address zero
  • Video Memory: 0x0001_0000 - 0x0001_ffff
    • Writeable
    • Initialized to zeros
    • Contains a text buffer of length 3200 starting at 0x0001_0000
  • Keys MMIO: 0xffff_fff8 - 0xffff_fffb
    • Readable
    • Describes the switches and buttons pressed as a 32-bit vector
      • Bits 31-28 are ~KEY[3]-~KEY[0]. Note that 1 means pressed.
      • Bits 9-0 are SW[9]-SW[0].
      • All other bits are zero.
  • Seven Segment MMIO: 0xffff_fffc - 0xffff_ffff
    • Writeable
    • Bits 23-0 of the word at these locations is shown on the seven segment display.