The first machine learning framework that encourages learning ML concepts instead of memorizing class functions.
- a-mannionGrenoble, France
- aaxbasVIKASO
- bendewsAustralia
- Beomus@kpmg-code
- biowfpSaint-Petersburg, Russia
- bmannixWashington, DC
- codyw912
- Crowler70
- div3125India
- EduardKononov
- EricThomsonData Science: Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Neuroscience
- gandersen101Trilliant Health
- glefundesPraValer
- jeffersonfsUniversity Federal of Maranhão
- JoeDBee
- KentoNishiHarvard University
- kodamazUW
- ldbaumga
- linkmast3r
- lobanovkirill
- LucasRr
- Mantelijo
- maschereDHBW Mannheim
- micah5cape town
- mlliarmEspaña
- novak-99Madison, WI
- patriacaelum@canonical
- peterwashington
- pratik-choudhariUniversity of Windsor
- razvanctatu
- santo0Barcelona
- SeaML
- shaeinst
- tomasamado97Uruguay, Montevideo
- tulicsgabriel
- Vortes@Polari-Designs @bloom-technologies-llc