A PyTorch implementation of Dynamic Graph CNN for Learning on Point Clouds (DGCNN)
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No data inside raw_data3d
#91 opened by Connect2Aditya - 0
Don't find the file `from config import CLASS_NAMES`.
#90 opened by hcp6897 - 2
Can DGCNN be converted to ONNX model?
#85 opened by YankaiChen0308 - 0
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (1201,) + inhomogeneous part.
#89 opened by xiaoyangyang123 - 0
about dataset
#88 opened by cxy86121 - 3
#86 opened by JustC0deIt - 1
Why the implemented network architecture is different with the architecture in the paper?
#87 opened by linlinge - 7
#76 opened by JustDoItY - 0
Problem with visualization(semseg)
#84 opened by BaymaxOolong - 0
Fine Tuning partseg DGCNN
#83 opened by HoseinHashemi - 4
problems about transfer learning
#82 opened by SkySeWker - 1
3d coordinates + extra feature
#81 opened by AlexandreDiPiazza - 2
#80 opened by xiaoyangyang123 - 7
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Hello, I would like to ask, how do you test the miou of each class_names in the semantic segmentation content?
#77 opened by xiaoyangyang123 - 2
#78 opened by JJBUP - 1
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#71 opened by sunxr99 - 2
#72 opened by Hambuger516 - 2
Semantic Segmentation S3DIS label annotations
#69 opened by Shaurya-47 - 3
The visualization of scannet
#68 opened by zwy1996 - 1
#67 opened by Aurora-QQ - 1
求解 idx = knn(x[:, 6:], k=k)
#66 opened by Dylan998 - 1
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Help with data being of length 9 in second dimension during semantic segmentation
#64 opened by GastonMazzei - 1
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the relationship between indoor3d_sem_seg_hdf5_data_test and indoor3d_sem_seg_hdf5_data?
#61 opened by swzaaaaaaa - 2
Question about the input size of the model
#59 opened by FandosA - 1
Test split
#58 opened by katadam - 3
About the ShapeNet dataset
#56 opened by Yellowshuohahaha - 1
About semseg Visualization
#57 opened by 964918993 - 1
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#54 opened by zeng-ziyin - 6
part segmentation visualization script
#42 opened by struggle2893 - 2
about part segmention visualization script
#43 opened by struggle2893 - 1
How to add more layers in your implementation?
#53 opened by hibayesian - 3
use semantic segmentation for inference on a new dataset without labels
#51 opened by shayannikoohemat - 6
#50 opened by ch19971118 - 0
Segmentation fault
#49 opened by Devoe-97 - 1
Tnet not present in pointnet implementation
#48 opened by alles9fresser - 2
question about gt
#47 opened by MrAirplaneLu - 2
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question about test on one class choice
#45 opened by MrAirplaneLu - 4
Question about Edge Conv
#44 opened by edshkim98