Pinned issues
- 3
[Bug] tvm.cuda().exist return false while torch.cuda.is_available() return true
#17558 opened by vfdff - 3
- 1
[Help] there is no "default" function in
#17594 opened by wanggujin - 3
- 0
[Bug] TVM relay cannot support coreml 'mlProgram' type
#17588 opened by Junphy-Jan - 3
[Bug] [TIR] variable b has been used before definition!
#17572 opened by hmz0412 - 0
[CI Image]
#17651 opened by XinyuSong212 - 0
[Bug] InternalError: Check failed: (!expr->struct_info_.defined()) is false: To ensure idempotency, the expression passed to UpdateStructInfo must not have any prior StructInfo. However, expression # from tvm.script import tir as T @T.prim_func(private=True)
#17647 opened by George-Polya - 3
[Bug] RuntimeError: Child process exited unsuccessfully with error code -6
#17495 opened by MehdiTantaoui-99 - 0
[Bug] Deprecation warning displayed on tests
#17640 opened by ggardet - 3
- 4
[Bug] Segmentation fault while importing tvm
#17550 opened by JWXiang-404 - 2
[Bug] Target not available while compiling ONNX model to MIPS
#17578 opened by RajS999 - 3
[Docs] How to build VTA python front-end?
#17496 opened by linbaiwpi - 2
webGL support
#17610 opened by mccoysc - 3
[Release] v0.19.0 release schedule
#17575 opened by ysh329 - 0
[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache TVM v0.19.0
#17612 opened by ysh329 - 6
[VOTE] Release Apache TVM v0.19.0.rc0
#17602 opened by ysh329 - 0
[Release] v0.19.0 Release Candidate Notes
#17600 opened by ysh329 - 4
[Docs] Remove Google Analytics from the TVM Website
#17597 opened by niallkp - 1
[Bug] [[Meta-schedule][Feature extraction] Incorrect Assignment of is_gpu Property
#17592 opened by moonquekes - 0
Features Discussion before Next Release v0.19.0
#17564 opened by ysh329 - 1
[Bug] Build failed with `undefined references to 'std::__throw_bad_array_new_length()' follow`
#17591 opened by Zoeeeeey - 2
[Bug][CodeGen] V 0.18.0 compilation after tir.Simplify causes Segmentation Faults
#17589 opened by talha-ahsan - 0
[Bug][CodeGen] V 0.18.0 compilation after tir.InjectSoftwarePipeline causes Segmentation Fault
#17590 opened by talha-ahsan - 2
[Bug] 'tvm.relax.op.nn' has no attribute 'attention_bias'
#17486 opened by Cookiee235 - 1
CodeGenOpenCL: expect calling_conv equals CallingConv::kDeviceKernelLaunch during autotune
#17577 opened by AD-lite24 - 0
[Bug] Unable to compile Apache TVM runtime for MIPS platform
#17573 opened by RajS999 - 1
- 2
- 0
raise get_last_ffi_error()
#17565 opened by zmtttt - 0
[Bug] This test is intentionally non-deterministic, if it fails please report it in github issue together with this seed 2466330562623059511
#17560 opened by onedayherocoming - 0
[Bug] TensorFlow Model Conversion Error and Build Error on TVM Runtime for Ultra96v2
#17559 opened by Comet-hash - 2
[Bug] AttributeError: module 'pytest' has no attribute 'mark'
#17556 opened by vfdff - 2
[Bug] Failed to import tvm.relax
#17553 opened by zyhDuludulu - 1
[Bug] relax onnx frontend can not support dynamic slice
#17535 opened by irasin - 2
[Bug] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'tvm::runtime::InternalError'
#17552 opened by mulanxiaodingdang - 2
- 12
[Bug] Default installation has LLVM errors
#17492 opened by MehdiTantaoui-99 - 6
[Bug] CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE when deploying ResNet18 model to Jetson AGX Orin 32GB using TVM
#17543 opened by JuneJulyAugust - 2
[Docs] VTA is phased in the newest commit?
#17544 opened by YaoCheng-Chang - 3
- 0
[Bug] [Relax] Build fails when applying `dlight.gpu.GeneralReduction` to `R.nn.group_norm` with dynamic shapes and `R.reshape`
#17531 opened by Yumin-gd - 0
[Bug] Check failed: (::tvm::runtime::IsContiguous(tensor->dl_tensor)) is false: DLManagedTensor must be contiguous.
#17529 opened by DaozeZhang - 2
[Bug] TVMError: unknown intrinsic Op(tir.atan) during with custom atan TIR function
#17487 opened by Thrsu - 2
[Docs] Converting PyTorch to Relax
#17500 opened by yoon5862 - 0
[Bug] Inconsistent module structure and InternalError: Check failed: (!require_value_computed) is false: PrimExpr m is not computed
#17494 opened by Thrsu - 0
[Bug] InternalError: Check failed: (it != slot_map_.end()) is false: Var mis not defined in the function but is referenced by m * n during VM Shape Lowering
#17493 opened by Thrsu - 0
[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache TVM v0.18.0
#17489 opened by ysh329 - 0
[Bug] InternalError: Check failed: (!block_stack_.empty()) is false in StaticPlanBlockMemory with Dataflow
#17488 opened by Thrsu