- 0
Installed modes are missing files
#38 opened by nlhowell - 14
поши, пошиең
#33 opened by mansayk - 9
"алд" instead of "ал"
#19 opened by mansayk - 2
Unrecognized numerals
#37 opened by IlnarSelimcan - 0
- 11
corpus data in tests-tatcorpus
#34 opened by jonorthwash - 12
- 0
Add analysis for 'дисәңче'
#35 opened by mansayk - 4
Vowel harmony issues with some nouns
#4 opened by ftyers - 6
The form ноябрендә doesn't work.
#8 opened by ftyers - 7
күлә instead of күләм
#18 opened by mansayk - 16
асфальтны is not analyzed correctly
#20 opened by mansayk - 16
бунтарь, бунтарьлар
#23 opened by mansayk - 0
- 4
Loanwords after marking them
#29 opened by mansayk - 3
Rule conflicts
#30 opened by mansayk - 4
-RUS tag vs -RUS-BACK and -RUS_FRONT
#31 opened by mansayk - 2
#32 opened by mansayk - 9
"китаб" instead of "китап"
#28 opened by mansayk - 2
Affixes after quotes
#27 opened by mansayk - 1
#25 opened by mansayk - 1
#24 opened by mansayk - 2
Missing optional form for фонарьны
#11 opened by ftyers - 3
"бульдог" is not analyzed in the form "бульдогка"
#21 opened by mansayk - 1
бульдозер, бульдозерында
#22 opened by mansayk - 3
- 1
incorrect "халк" instead of "халык"
#15 opened by mansayk - 0
"яг" instead of "як"
#17 opened by mansayk - 0
"интег" instead of "интек"
#16 opened by mansayk - 0
"бард" instead of the most common "бар"
#14 opened by mansayk - 2
consider renaming <sim> to <equ>
#12 opened by jonorthwash - 0
- 14
Support -чA adverbialising suffix
#7 opened by ftyers - 1
Change <px> to <gen><subst>
#9 opened by ftyers - 2
Verb form аера not analysed
#3 opened by ftyers - 0
Add transliteration
#6 opened by IlnarSelimcan - 3
- 0