
Project for Motion Planning Methods and Algorithms course. The goal of the project was to compare different planners in the environment represented by the octomap.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Project for Motion Planning Methods and Algorithms course.

The goal of the project is to compare 3 different methods of motion planning for drone. The environment in which drone moves is represented by Octomap.

Tasks of project:

  • prepare octomap environment
  • prepare drone (mesh)
  • launch chosen methods of motion planning for defined problem
  • visualize planned path and motion of the drone


Bag file with octomap environment used in project:

Launch with:

  • play bag file with octomap in loop mode
  • $ roslaunch drone_planning drone_planning.launch

Choosing planner:

  • make sure that library of planner you want to use is imported.
  • change type of planner declaration in drone_planning.hpp.
std::shared_ptr <ompl::geometric::LazyPRMstar> planner;
  • change type of planner definition in drone_planning.cpp in configure() function
planner.reset(new ompl::geometric::LazyPRMstar(si));
  • change planner clearing function in planPath() depending if you use multi-query planner or single-query planner
// if you use multi-query planner uncomment line below and comment line with clear() method
// if you use single-query planner uncomment line below