
A textbook on system on chip design using Arm Cortex-A



Textbook by Dr. David Greaves

Discover the fundamentals and latest developments in modern SoC design using Arm Cortex-A technology as the demonstrator platform.

About this Book

The aim of this textbook is to expose aspiring and practising SoC designers to the fundamentals and latest developments in SoC design and technologies using examples of Arm Cortex-A technology and related IP blocks and interfaces. The entire SoC design process is discussed in detail, from memory and interconnects through to validation, fabrication and production. A particular highlight of this textbook is the focus on energy efficient SoC design, and the extensive supplementary materials which include a SystemC model of a Zynq chip.

This textbook is targetted at final year undergraduate students, master students or engineers in the field looking to update their knowledge. It is assumed that readers will have a pre-existing understanding of RTL, Assembly Language and Operating Systems.

For those readers looking for a entry-level introduction to SoC design, we recommend our Fundamentals of System-on-Chip Design on Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers textbook.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to System-on-Chip

  2. Processors, Memory and IP Blocks

  3. SoC Interconnect

  4. System Design Considerations

  5. Electronic System-Level Modelling

  6. Architectural Design Exploration

  7. Formal Methods and Assertion-based Design

  8. Fabrication and Production

  9. Putting Everything Together


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