
Our code for implementing a remote-controlled autonomous vehicle (RC AV) including real-time control, autonomous navigation, and obstacle detection.

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SteerClear is a self-built, remote-controlled autonomous vehicle designed for smooth and intelligent navigation. Using cutting-edge technologies like neural networks for decision-making, and it integrates real-time sensor data and image processing to effortlessly avoid obstacles and choose optimal paths.

Key Components

  • Motor Control & Sensor Processing: Powered by advanced sensors, the system processes data to detect nearby obstacles and adjust the vehicle’s movement accordingly.
  • Image Processing & Object Detection: Utilizing a camera, SteerClear recognizes and responds to objects in its environment, ensuring smart navigation.
  • Neural Network Decision-Making: Combines sensor and image data to make intelligent decisions, directing the vehicle in real-time.


  • Real-Time Control: Option to manually control the vehicle, with instant feedback and response.
  • Autonomous Navigation: SteerClear can independently navigate, leveraging sensors and object detection to avoid obstacles and find optimal routes.
  • Object Detection: Capable of recognizing objects in its path and responding dynamically.
  • Modular Design: Built for flexibility, allowing easy integration of additional features or sensors.

How It Works

  1. Sensors on the vehicle continuously monitor the surroundings, providing real-time data on obstacle proximity.
  2. A camera captures live video, which is processed to detect objects and interpret the environment.
  3. Data from the sensors and camera is fed into a neural network, which intelligently decides the next course of action for the vehicle.
  4. The vehicle autonomously adjusts its movements, ensuring a safe and efficient path forward.


  • Arnav Chahal
  • Christin Sanchez
  • Aryan Garg