- 0
argparse bug when running consolidate
#78 opened by racng - 0
- 0
400mb of .Sam but no off target
#76 opened by piailmitico - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
How to repeat your Results?
#72 opened by Bathroomboss - 4
- 2
- 4
How to generate index FASTQ files?
#28 opened by xueweireally - 9
unsupported operand type(s)
#55 opened by frankMusacchia - 0
Is sgRNA sequence required to be an input?
#68 opened by Huanle - 0
First line of data is skipped in `visualize` step
#67 opened by zheins - 0
- 2
yaml with multiple controls
#65 opened by jsacco1 - 1
Filter step: Background file
#63 opened by jsacco1 - 1
Missing index files
#60 opened by nechamaklt11 - 1
python3 ?
#61 opened by colindaven - 0
- 7
Links in are "dead"
#53 opened by JoeEmendo - 0
Stable branch to use? Or only releases?
#56 opened by cjfields - 0
#54 opened - 7
Make real test dataset available
#11 opened by martinaryee - 6
Serious bug in causes bona fide off-targets to be missed
#51 opened by staciawyman - 4
failure to demultiplex manifest
#39 opened by wconnell - 4
demultiplex failure
#49 opened by Salvobioinfo - 4
Too many files open during demultiplex
#36 opened by michael-weinstein - 2
Test error Offtarget sites are not the same
#50 opened by Zethson - 1
Error while running test data
#47 opened by asgarhussain - 0
Change step1/step2 into more descriptive names
#44 opened by sowmyaiyer - 1
build fails. Change to output diff between expected output and actual
#45 opened by sowmyaiyer - 0
absorb split_pipeline branch into dev/master
#43 opened by sowmyaiyer - 1
Draft release notes for v1.1
#42 opened by martinaryee - 0
- 0
Add SNP calling code and usage instructions
#40 opened by martinaryee - 0
Add an output table that is filtered for sites present in control and sites without a sequence match
#38 opened by martinaryee - 0
Parameter --window_size for Cas9 in command line
#37 opened by josemalo - 9
Threading option for bwa mem step
#34 opened by biobenkj - 3
Umi module
#35 opened by michael-weinstein - 2
Error in pip install -r requirements.txt
#33 opened by robyn-ball - 0
- 0
- 2
Add ReverseComplementIndexRead2 option
#21 opened by shengdar - 1
Full PEP8 Compliance
#14 opened by vedtopkar - 3
Test dataset for guideseq package
#16 opened by shengdar - 1
Automatically strip whitespace from YAML input
#17 opened by vedtopkar - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Additional code commenting for clarity
#12 opened by martinaryee