The align_out folder is empty
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Thanks for your great software!
I met some wrong messages when running WGD,I download by singularity and met the Error when run 'singularity build wgd.sif Singularity', I'm not sure if this error affects the software:
my scripts are
singularity exec ~/biosoft/Compa_geno/wgd/wgd.sif wgd dmd --eval 1e-10 -o dmd_out --nostrictcds MS.cds.fa MP.cds.fa MT.cds.fa PP.cds.fa MA.cds.fa
cp ./dmd_out/MS.cds.fa_MP.cds.fa.rbh ./homo_pairs.txt
cat MS.cds.fa MP.cds.fa >MS_MT.fa
cat MS.pep.fasta MP.pep.fasta >MS_MT.pep.fa
singularity exec ~/biosoft/Compa_geno/PhyloTools.sif -h homo_pairs.txt -a MS_MT.pep.fa -n MS_MT.cds.fa -p proc.txt -o align_out -m muscle -f axt 1>ParaAT_mdf.log 2>&1
The first time I met the follow warning message:
Then I tried another time,There was niether wrong messages , but nor results . The align_out is empty.
Do you know how to solve it ?