⚠️**DEPRECATED**⚠️ A tiny slide panel navigation jQuery plugin with big dreams
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Preventing Vertical Scrollbar on Browser
#82 opened by robertallenbaker - 0
how add smooth?
#96 opened by DimonCoder - 1
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Slide behind window
#95 opened by lexcorp - 1
Typo in "Getting Started" code.
#94 opened by husteadrobert - 2
How to use the destroy() function?
#90 opened by t1ll - 1
Fixed elements no being pushed
#92 opened by WPThemer - 0
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Close without clicking
#88 opened by koto4 - 1
Version hosted on npm not up to date
#87 opened by ryangiglio - 2
How to get state value?
#78 opened by mehmetalidumlu - 0
The demo website is not responsive
#86 opened by Aditya94A - 2
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multiple sliding menu in same page?
#85 opened by csafg2 - 0
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Adding options to initialise
#81 opened by acrossell - 5
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Implementing bigSlide.js into Magento
#79 opened by Monis247 - 1
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EasyClose Issue in iOS 9.3 Safari
#67 opened by eric432 - 8
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Slide in from Top
#74 opened by WPThemer - 2
Hide / Toggle on Scroll
#73 opened by WPThemer - 3
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Grunt error
#71 opened by joanvila - 1
How to open menu, not toggle
#69 opened by mrcharis - 0
Add support for JSPM
#70 opened by markhughes - 3
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Variable width
#63 opened by ethanclevenger91 - 1
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Remove jQuery dependency?
#51 opened by ascott1 - 2
Issue for iphone6 and iphone 6 plus
#59 opened by hoehoewong - 0
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Is it possible to have two BigSlides on one page?
#48 opened by rubaff - 2
version is still 0.9.1 in the 0.9.2 dist files
#58 opened by szexigexi - 7
Close button on menu?
#55 opened by rubaff - 3
Custom easing? Doesn't support custom easing?
#53 opened by Genett - 7
Android Issue
#33 opened by MikeHarrison - 3
Can't get the page to slide out with nav.
#47 opened by antistandard - 6
Touch gesture, sub menus and horizontal scroll
#45 opened by t0n1zz - 1
trigger toggleClose on body when panel is open?
#43 opened by doodirock - 3
option easyClose set to false does close menu if clicked anywhere on the panel.
#42 opened by sejalshah07 - 5
menu on open white gap
#41 opened by stigk - 3
iOS Seems buggy at best
#38 opened by nate8684 - 2
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Closing automatically on click of Slide
#36 opened by jinsupark - 3
Right menu option is not working properly.
#34 opened by valvillar - 0
Useage help
#35 opened by mattyd2478 - 2
Supporting browsers
#32 opened by g00glen00b