- 0
- 0
Can't install vt on cluster
#122 opened by boutrys - 0
Error installing vt in conda environment
#121 opened by jcasadogp - 1
New release
#120 opened by serge2016 - 1
Does or can Vt provide a 'compose_blocksub' feature?
#119 opened by rhdolin - 0
peek list classfication for every variants
#118 opened by Zhuxitong - 1
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#117 opened by AJFeng - 6
Make a new release?
#85 opened by tseemann - 1
Version needs to be bumped
#116 opened by davmlaw - 0
VT rminfo get's killed
#115 opened by violetbrina - 11
Error with installation
#113 opened by sigven - 0
"decompose_blocksub -a" position indel issue
#114 opened by m-blanes - 5
Patches from Debian
#112 opened by frikiluser - 4
- 5
- 2
vt decompose -s not decomposing TOPMED info field
#111 opened by roryk - 0
- 5
"bcf_fmt_array" error
#102 opened by ycl6 - 0
make error, /tmp/ccB26cYJ.s: Assembler messages
#108 opened by winni-liu - 0
- 1
cannot find -lcurl and -lcrypto
#106 opened by rfakoya - 0
Potential bug in LogTool::prob2pl
#105 opened by dwuab - 1
lib/Rmath/bessel_i.c error
#103 opened by YT-er - 4
installation problem on RHEl 5.5
#72 opened by bioinfo-dirty-jobs - 5
- 3
Vt norm Failed to open fasta file
#81 opened by WesDe - 2
vt partition error with GATK vcf
#82 opened by MarisaMiller - 3
-lcrypto issue abort make
#90 opened by sbridel - 1
Consecutive SNPs
#98 opened by nurmians - 2
bioconda install broken error while loading shared libraries:
#99 opened by huguesfontenelle - 1
vt peek enhancement
#100 opened by darked89 - 1
annotate_db_rsid command not found
#97 opened by marcora - 0
decompose_blocksub cannot handle REF properly
#96 opened by Fohlen - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 8
- 3
Can it call tetraploid variants?
#89 opened by afzm - 5
- 4
- 8
- 4
VCF is truncated if input not sorted
#79 opened by tdelhomme - 2
Make error in CentOS 6.9
#76 opened by maryawood - 3
Erroneous left-trimming of complex alleles
#74 opened by selkovjr - 4
- 2
issue with compile
#71 opened by rebzzy - 3
- 2
Make error (lzma.h: No such file or directory)
#68 opened by galaxyrise - 2
make issue with svm_train.cpp
#69 opened by galaxyrise