
ROS node to control a diff-drive robot with a sabertooth motor controller with Teleop_twist_joy node

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ROS node to control a diff-drive robot with a sabertooth motor controller with Teleop_twist_joy node Tested with Xbox 360, Logitech F310 controllers

Downloading and Running

  • Install pysabertooth (A required python library for this package). Run python -m pip install pysabertooth

  • If you already have a catkin workspace : Clone this repo in the /src folder of your workspace. Build packages using catkin_make.

  • If you're creating a workspace for the first time, I'd suggest taking a look at ROS tutorials to create catkin workspaces, catkin_packages and cloning packages from git


    source /opt/ros/<ROS_DISTRO>/setup.bash
    mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone <link to repo>
    cd ~/catkin_ws
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y


Depending on your ubuntu setup, you may need to give read/write permissions to the port. This can be done by running chmod +x /dev/tty<port>. You may need to run this as root (sudo).

If your user doesn't belong to the serial group, add user to the dialout group by running sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER


  • Added teleop_twist_joy as package dependency in place of cloing a separate git submodule. Running a rosdep install mentioned in the TL;DR will install it.
  • Changed launch file to launch teleop specific parameters


  • ROS node to subscribe to cmd_vel from teleop_twist_joy
  • Convert cmd_vel to diff-drive velocities for each wheel
  • Sabertooth_rospy node to detect a connected sabertooth device
  • Send drive commands to sabertooth motor controller
  • teleop_twist_joy tuning to get adequate speed on robot
  • change linear and angular axis for driving robot
  • launch file to launch teleop, cmd_vel conversion and sabertooth to motor comm
  • Code cleanup and commenting
  • README.md instructions
  • Udev instructions to rename device to appear as /dev/sabertooth