Implementation of 'Coming Down to Earth: Satellite-to-Street View Synthesis for Geo-Localization' [CVPR 2021]
- AmazingrenINSAIT
- amonszpartNiantic, Inc.
- brookefzy
- caomwAHU
- ChrisL1n
- coryjo
- euncheolChoiINHA Univ.
- felipedantas-piInstituto Federal do Piauí - Teresina Central
- fly51flyPRIS
- karatemir
- keer-sky
- lachholdenThe University of Adelaide
- lewwel
- lsl1229840757Tencent
- marvin-eisenberger
- maxim-kozlov
- nanzy-cell
- naru-TSaitama Univ
- nrupatungaLightmetrics
- ohhiohhi
- phborba1º CGEO
- pkaza
- ribenamaplesyrupThe Autonomy Institute
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- safwankdbMillennium Management
- Sugar1y
- wolf943134497
- WoojuLee24Urban Robotics Lab. (Room No. 3239, E3-2 Bldg.) School of Electrical Engineering KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- xjtulycPeking University
- xmunozQuito
- xuyingxiao
- Yinjia-Chen
- zhaotianhongShenzhen University
- ZhouMengjieUniversity of Bristol
- zlying771314