- 0
Differences in proteusData when using readProteinGroups with different conditions
#49 opened by WackerO - 1
fetchFromUniProt error
#48 opened by tfccheng - 1
Not compatible with R version
#47 opened by cstgermain4 - 3
Add proteus to bioconda
#46 opened by WackerO - 1
Error in limmaRatioDE function
#45 opened by TaraBartolec - 1
extract peptide/protein count
#44 opened by francescocay - 0
How to make protein table?
#43 opened by yueli8 - 0
- 2
Normalize the data of SILAC
#41 opened by yueli8 - 0
- 2
Saving plotFID_live and plotVolcano_live
#39 opened by zillurbmb51 - 0
Gene names needed
#17 opened by MarekGierlinski - 2
Function readEvidenceFile doesn't work
#35 opened by sago91 - 1
Replicates in the same mix?
#29 opened by evertonjlima - 1
About library
#38 opened by ypriverol - 0
- 3
PCA function missing
#33 opened by gurpreet-bioinfo - 2
- 3
- 2
- 1
Vignettes do not install
#30 opened by MarekGierlinski - 1
Spike-in SILAC?
#26 opened by vidaletal - 3
Problem with parallel::mclapply on Windows
#27 opened by Pam65 - 1
- 1
Vignettes not installing?
#25 opened by ar3781 - 1
Issues with phantom condition levels
#24 opened by MarekGierlinski - 3
PlotVolcano live condition (x-axis) label text
#23 opened by ygyue - 2
- 1
allowedUniprotColumns not exported
#21 opened by MarekGierlinski - 1
- 1
- 1
min.peptides should be 2 by default
#18 opened by MarekGierlinski - 1
- 1
Libraries required
#16 opened by MarekGierlinski - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
no heatmaps in live.R functions
#13 opened by Gasta88 - 1
Non-unique annotations
#12 opened by MarekGierlinski - 2
- 1
- 1
- 2
significance threshold set in limmaDE
#5 opened by nickschurch - 1
- 1
Vignette doesn't import 'parallel'
#1 opened by nickschurch