
Annotation pipeline for HPDS

Primary LanguagePython


This repository describes steps to prepare and annotate VCF files for loading into HPDS as in https://github.com/hms-dbmi/pic-sure-hpds-copdgene.

Recommended steps

1. Pre-process VCF

The input VCF file needs to be normalized for variant representaiton: to split multi-allelic variants into separate lines in VCF. There are various ways to do this, but one of the way is to use bcftools (http://samtools.github.io/bcftools/).

bcftools norm -m -any -f [fasta file for referenge genome] [input VCF file] | bgzip -c > [normalized VCF file]

Also make the normalized VCF file tabix-indexed to accelerate the next step: annotation by VEP.

tabix -p vcf [normalized VCF file]

(tabix is part of htslib. http://www.htslib.org/download/)

Note on variant normalization with bcftools:

Bcftools 1.16 had an issue where some FORMAT fields are not handled properly - leaving empty for the field - when it's missing for some of samples (no problem when all samples have values or none has value). The empty field will later be translated as '0' by the post-processing script (the basic behavior of pysam library). The issue is fixed in the latest github repository. So, to avoid unnecessary confusion, it is recommended to use bcftools built from source. You can check if your VCF file suffers from this issue by comparing input (after step 1,2) and output (after step 3) for post-processing. For example, after step 3,

zcat [input] | grep -v '^#' | cut -f 10- | md5sum

zcat [output] | grep -v '^#' | cut -f 10- | md5sum

If the two checkums are different, there are FORMAT fields affected by bcftools' issue whose value was set as '0' during post-processing.

2. Annotating VCF using VEP (variant effect predictor)

For annotating VCF with VEP, we need:

  • VEP docker image (ensemblorg/ensembl-vep) or local installation
  • VEP cache files from Ensembl FTP: release 102 or later, GRCh38, merged for RefSeq and Ensembl. ("homo_sapiens_merged_vep_NNN_GRCh38.tar.gz")
  • GRCh38 reference fasta file from Ensembl FTP.
  • gnomAD genomes release v3 (link). Variant files are split by chromosome, needs to be merged into single file (e.g., bcftools concat).

Recommended VEP command:

docker run --rm -it -v [local VEP cache directory]:/cache \
	-v [local gnomAD directory]:/gnomAD \
	-v [directory for input VCF file]:/work ensemblorg/ensembl-vep /opt/vep/vep \
	--cache --offline --merged \
	--species homo_sapiens \
	--compress_output bgzip \
	--input_file /work/[input VCF path/filename] \
	--output_file /work/[annotated VCF path/filename] \
	--no_stats \
	--force_overwrite \
	--assembly GRCh38 \
	--dir_cache /cache/ \
	--fasta /cache/[to reference genome fasta file] \
	--everything \
	--total_length \
	--allele_number \
	--hgvsg \
	--shift_hgvs 1 \
	--transcript_version \
	--canonical \
	--vcf \
	--custom /gnomAD/[to gnomAD genomes as single file],GNOMAD_G,vcf,exact,0,AF \\

The --custom option line makes "AF" values from gnomAD genomes file added to the matching variant as "GNOMAD_G_AF" value. For more detail, refer to Ensembl VEP documentation: https://ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_download.html#installer.

3. Post-processing annotated VEP for loading into HPDS

The python script "transform_csq.v3.py" removes complex and bulky VEP annotation from VCF file and leaves only the following informations, reformatted for loading into HPDS.

VEP field Output tag Values
SYMBOL Gene_with_variant Official gene symbol for the variant
IMPACT Variant_severity The severity for the calculated consequence of the variant. Possible values: HIGH,MODERATE,LOW, or empty (for MODIFIER).
Consequence Variant_consequence_calculated Stardardized description for the calculated consequence of the variant.
VARIANT_CLASS Variant_class Type of variant. Possible values: SNV,deletion,insertion.
GNOMAD_G_AF Variant_frequency_in_gnomAD Variant allele frequency from gnomAD genomes.
GNOMAD_G_AF Variant_frequency_as_text Discretized variant allele frequency from gnomAD genomes. Possble values: Novel, Rare (less than 1%), Common (1% or greater)

The VEP annotation field in VCF can vary by exact options used in VEP annotation. The script automatically detect VEP annotation format from the header line in the VCF file, if it follows the standard format: "##INFO=<ID=CSQ... Format: ...>."

The script also performs a few simple checks to ensure the given VCF is compatible with GRCh38.

  1. It checks if the provided FASTA file is compatible with GRCh38: follows the same chromosome name style (chr1, chr2, ...), have the same length, and have the same md5 checksum value for sequences. It only checks for autosomes (chr1 ~ chr22) and sex chromosomes (chrX and chrY).

  2. It checks if the chromosome names in VCF file follows the same style as GRCh38.

  3. It checks if the input VCF and FASTA files are compatible with each other. For this, it tests if the reference sequences in FASTA and VCF match with each other for 100 random positions.

python3 transform_csq.v3.py -R [reference FASTA path/filename] [options] [VEP annotated VCF path/filename] [new filename] --vep-gnomad-af GNOMAD_G_AF

or use docker image.

docker run --rm -it -v [directory for input VCF file]:/work -v [directory for reference FASTA file]:/ref  ikarus97/hpds_annotation:latest \
	python3 /transform_csq.v3.py -R /ref/[reference FASTA path/filename] [options] /work/[input VCF path/filename] /work/[output VCF path/filename] --vep-gnomad-af GNOMAD_G_AF

The volume option for /ref can be omitted if the reference FASTA file is in the same directory as input VCF or in sub-directories. The path in -R option should be modified appropriately.

If gnomAD genomes were used with different name from GNOMAD_G (case sensitive), then you need to provide the correct field name with opton --vep-gnomad-af. For example, if VEP was run with --custom /[gnomad file],GG,vcf,exact,0,AF, then the correct field name for gnomAD allele frequencies would be GG_AF, thus we'll need --vep-gnomad-af GG_AF.

Docker image for the main script transform_csq.v3.py is available from Docker Hub.

Image with the tag latest contains the most up-to-date version.

Previous versions are archived with the creation dates as tags.


-R <path to FASTA file>

Required. The path to the GRCh38 reference FASTA file. The accompanying index file (.fai) should be in the same place.


If present, use only the most severe consequences from VEP annotation (flagged as 'PICK', by VEP option --flag_pick)


If present, use only the variants in coding sequence (CDS). Specifically, this option will keep only variants whose rate of variant impact by VEP (https://ensembl.org/info/genome/variation/prediction/predicted_data.html) is not "MODIFIER."

--vep-gnomad-af <string>

Specify which field in VEP annotation will be extracted for gnomAD allele frequency. Use this if custom file (e.g., gnomAD genomes file) is used for gnomAD allele frequency. Default value: gnomAD_AF

For example, if you want to use gnomAD genome allele frequency from the following VEP argument:

--custom /path/to/custom/file.vcf.gz,CUSTOM_TAG,vcf,exact,0,My_Field

then, add --vep-gnomad-af CUSTOM_TAG_My_Field to options to use the value of "My_Field" as gnomAD allele frequency.


If present, output "Variant_severity" for variants that are "MODIFIER". As of 2021-04-23, by default, such variants do not have "Variant_severity" in the INFO column to reduce overhead in HPDS.

Change Log


Summary: major re-writing of code using python3 and pysam library. Also added a few basic check-up routines to ensure the compatibility with GRCh38.


  • Added a required option (-R) to specify the path to GRCh38 reference FASTA file. It also requires the index file (.fai) in the same place as FASTA.
  • Added routines to check the following:
    • if the chromosome names and sequences in the FASTA file is compatible with GRCh38.
    • if the chromosome names in the input VCF is compatible with GRCh38.
    • if the coordinates in the input VCF is compatible with the FASTA.


  • Code is written with python3 and pysam library. The old python2 scrypt (transform_csq.v2.py) is moved under "legacy_script/".
  • The name of main script is changed to "transform_csqv3.py".
  • Now the script requires tabix-index for input VCF (.tbi) in the same place as VCF.
  • The script prints more descriptive error or information messages during the process.


  • Updated readme description to add more details and recommended steps.



  • Added a routine to check if the input VEP annotation includes all the required fields. If found any missing fields, the script will show error message on the missing field name and exit.



  • Added option --allow-modifier to output tags for "MODIFIER" variants.


  • Changed the default behavior for "Variant_severity" tag: not to output the tag if the value is "MODIFIER".
  • Modified header line for VCF to meet VCF specification.