Pinned issues
- 5
- 1
Report the use of components with vulnerabilities in bfe
#1154 opened by HouqiyuA - 2
staticcheck action not in ci job
#1017 opened by kwanhur - 0
improve Chinese copywriting
#1039 opened by kwanhur - 2
http RoundTripper 支持自动断开空闲连接
#1031 opened by shiw13 - 0
doc: add configuration example about grpc
#1020 opened by iyangsj - 0
doc: update description about xxx_hash_in primitives
#1035 opened by iyangsj - 2
Docker image suspend in startup.
#1048 opened by caffeine-cn - 0
request header经过bfe,第二个字母变小写的问题
#1074 opened by lf2186 - 4
bfe 容器版无法通过 web-monitor 热加载配置
#1075 opened by AFreeCoder - 0
直接docker下来的 bfe 无法直接启动
#1111 opened by mileszhang2016 - 1
- 1
bfe的开源版本大概是基于go1.2 http transport内核开发的,后续是否会升级版本。
#1151 opened by cherishman2005 - 2
#1152 opened by cherishman2005 - 0
- 2
#1158 opened by Lambor-Chai - 1
BFE https 1个进程(1个product) 是否支持 配置2个 域名,2个数字证书?
#1157 opened by cherishman2005 - 1
bugfix: leastConnsBalance
#1159 opened by liuqing6767 - 0
http2 continuation frame attack
#1155 opened by z8n24 - 2
bfe1.6版本bfe_http transponrt.go的putIdleConn细节处理
#1128 opened by cherishman2005 - 1
#1148 opened by Owen-Zhang - 1
Add support for https to the backend
#978 opened by mileszhang2016 - 0
#1146 opened by mileszhang2016 - 1
CNCF TOC annual review due
#1108 opened by clomonitor-bot - 1
#1114 opened by cherishman2005 - 2
Proposal: Beautify code and project struct
#1073 opened by liuhao2050 - 1
What is the status of bfe?
#1107 opened by liangyuanpeng - 1
is there any compression algorithm used in BFE to accelerate the performance? gZip?
#1117 opened by bin1guo - 0
#1127 opened by willzhujian - 2
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- 2
是否支持 域名 转发呢
#1093 opened by hexergogo - 1
#1105 opened by cherishman2005 - 1
#1089 opened by cherishman2005 - 4
#1094 opened by safehumeng - 1
- 1
#1088 opened by reedlxm - 0
#1081 opened by hexergogo - 1
Proposal: Support HTTP2 fingerprint
#1071 opened by deancn - 0
build failed on macos
#1066 opened by supermario1990 - 0
how bfe handle old and new quic connections when restart.
#1064 opened by yfming - 2
Some unit tests failed
#1056 opened by TrumanH - 1
failed to build from src
#1050 opened by zhudy - 2
#1040 opened by hexergogo - 2
#972 opened by ohscartao - 2
add more integration test cases
#973 opened by mileszhang2016 - 3
Check semantic commit message
#980 opened by kwanhur - 1
Add support to disable https
#977 opened by mileszhang2016 - 2
dashboard 里面添加了域名和https 相关的文件,但是不生效
#957 opened by thinkeng