:whale::bar_chart::books: Docker Images tracking the stable Galaxy releases.
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Purging users and old non-deleted data.
#615 opened by jtdbod - 1
repair the website
#610 opened by bgruening - 1
Checking /export... OSError Invalid cross-device link: '/tool_deps' -> '/export/tool_deps'
#579 opened by JoelPHoward - 1
#566 opened by fabianomenegidio - 1
Create a docker image from a running container
#538 opened by mohan-XD - 7
ideas for a new 24.x version
#609 opened by bgruening - 3
error in attmap setup command: use_2to3 is invalid
#585 opened by gad83 - 19
Database problems with startup and startup_lite
#562 opened by bedroesb - 1
Virtualenv failing
#516 opened by innovate-invent - 1
metadata detection for biom1 went wrong
#518 opened by vebaev - 2
- 1
wrong permissions on /galaxy/upload_store
#522 opened by tdudgeon - 1
- 1
File upload not working
#544 opened by VangelisTheodorakis - 1
About can't use reference genome in docker.
#548 opened by jackycsie - 1
Pre-installing tools in the tool_conf via conda
#584 opened by ebolyen - 1
- 1
- 7
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Docker-galaxy doesn't work
#583 opened by deoliveiralf - 1
Dontainer not starting after copying
#592 opened by cass436 - 11
Docker images later than 19.09 fail to initialize/migrate database without modification (with workaround(s))
#575 opened by pmpcosta - 9
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python 3.8 and futures 3.1.1 not working well together
#588 opened by gad83 - 1
run task failure: Error in lock(.sql_lock_path(dbfile), exclusive = exclusive) : Cannot open lock file: Permission denied
#606 opened by mega-bisharp - 1
Custom welcome.html is not displaying?
#594 opened by ZimmerA - 1
Production use?
#599 opened by meowcat - 1
Fix for start failure
#597 opened by benjaminbrumbaugh - 1
Can't download file from urls
#602 opened by H1207953831 - 1
ERROR: Process docker: no such file
#605 opened by potant - 1
unable to start container
#604 opened by GuilhemSempere - 1
can't load the welcome.html
#603 opened by LinsenHou - 1
Galaxy 22.05 updates
#601 opened by ebolyen - 1
403 Forbidden nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
#595 opened by chatofking - 0
consider to integrate and use Dokter
#598 opened by bgruening - 0
- 0
PSA: Yarn repo key update causes apt-get update to fail in images derived from docker-galaxy-stable
#578 opened by fubar2 - 1
WIP. In compose: Add a galaxy-post-configurator server to add specifics of a flavour
#582 opened by fubar2 - 2
Error installing tools
#564 opened by fabianomenegidio - 1
Ephemeris not available during Docker build in 19.09
#551 opened by bedroesb - 1
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Galaxy postgresql password
#543 opened by likku3 - 0
Error in ./ --no-push --condor --grafana --slurm --k8s
#542 opened by iuctf - 1
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Docs for upgrading postrgres don't work
#527 opened by tdudgeon - 1
Container can't be built
#526 opened by dpryan79 - 1
why admin user is created in Dockerfile?
#521 opened by osallou - 0
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Orchestrated+Fat Galaxy
#515 opened by ThomasWollmann