
Please provide the reference for the variable 'diagnosis' which includes more than 2 levels: UC, CD, nonIBD

uqvirg opened this issue · 1 comments

thank for your package.
I've just done a small test and had the error:

fit_data = Maaslin2(

  • input_data = input_data,
  • input_metadata = input_metadata,
  • output = "demo_output",
  • fixed_effects = c("diagnosis", "dysbiosis"))
    [1] "Creating output folder"
    [1] "Creating output figures folder"
    2021-04-23 16:56:06 INFO::Writing function arguments to log file
    2021-04-23 16:56:06 INFO::Verifying options selected are valid
    2021-04-23 16:56:06 INFO::Determining format of input files
    2021-04-23 16:56:06 INFO::Input format is data samples as rows and metadata samples as rows
    2021-04-23 16:56:06 INFO::Formula for fixed effects: expr ~ diagnosis + dysbiosis
    Error in Maaslin2(input_data = input_data, input_metadata = input_metadata, :
    Please provide the reference for the variable 'diagnosis' which includes more than 2 levels: UC, CD, nonIBD

Can you let me know how I can resolve this error before to use my own data.
Thank you,

Thank you for creating this issue.
We currently field issues through our bioBakery Discourse Support Forum.
If you would please post the issue to discourse we would be happy to sync up with you to get it resolved.