- 0
Some questions about the results of ciriquant
#72 opened by mysolid23 - 3
I used the parameter --bed with circAtlas bed file, the outputs are always "KeyError: '[circAtlas ID]'"
#70 opened by DooYal - 0
install CIRIquant using the recommend way
#69 opened by mysolid23 - 0
invalid syntax in
#67 opened by qj009 - 0
HISAT2 is not working as expected
#66 opened by guillepl - 3
hisat2-build index for circRNA-seq
#65 opened by fengweimin-maker - 2
- 1
- 0
Hisat2 produces empty bam files
#63 opened by Braulium - 4
.fa is empty, index does not exist
#35 opened by algaebrown - 0
How to get the p-value from DE analysis?
#62 opened by Li-Chengyu - 11
Issue with EdgeR Installation in CIRIquant
#59 opened by gkibt - 3
sample_index does not exist Exiting now
#61 opened by Yonglee1 - 1
Question: Predict circRNAs using multiple tools
#60 opened by farzamani - 0
#58 opened by stefanerb89 - 1
- 4
Error in
#55 opened by chickenHyop - 0
Alignment does not end
#54 opened by kendaida - 3
full-length sequence of circRNA
#53 opened by Zheng19w - 1
multiple fastq files
#52 opened by sung - 7
Error while running CIRIquant
#50 opened by nandakumaryellapu - 1
- 0
- 0
ValueError: file header is empty (mode='rb') - is it SAM/BAM format?
#48 opened by choijamtsmunkhzul - 0
Problem with installation of CIRIquant
#47 opened by choijamtsmunkhzul - 1
- 0
Small gtf file issue
#46 opened by Mathan98 - 0
- 1
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/f/liu-project/lncRNA-mRNA-circRNA/5.circRNA-data/quant-data/circ/test.ciri'
#42 opened by junjunlab - 3
Can CIRI_DE_replicate be used for Differential expression analysis of DS_score
#41 opened by tjhwangxiong - 3
- 2
Cannot split into 12 (16) pieces with size of 6246233965 and named them as /oasis/tscc/scratch/hsher/circSTAMP_pipe/output/circ/APO-noD-R_unmapped.sam. Fatal error. Aborted.
#37 opened by algaebrown - 3
- 3
Very low numbers for circular RNAs
#34 opened by FerallOut - 4
About CircAtlas sequence length
#33 opened by andre-gabriel-42 - 3
Issue running
#32 opened by G-Molano-LA - 8
Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1)
#31 opened by cjs0617 - 1
- 3
Can CIRIquant be used with single-end data?
#19 opened by stiv1n - 1
Question regarding RNaseR corretion
#16 opened by baylorbiostat - 8
why miss so many circRNA to putout ?
#18 opened by gnilihzeux - 10
Generate empty gtf file
#29 opened by mrb20045 - 2
About BSJs and FSJs
#28 opened by andre-gabriel-42 - 7
EdgeR in CIRI_DE_replicate issue
#26 opened by andre-gabriel-42 - 4
- 4
Not able to generate the final circ.gtf output
#24 opened by eltonjrv - 5
duplicate rows R error in CIRI_DE_replicate
#25 opened by eltonjrv - 6
- 2
Rowname error with CIRI_DE_replicate command
#23 opened by prisca399 - 3
KeyError: 'chr1_89476615_89476806'
#17 opened by gnilihzeux