
Output the contig overlap graph in GFA format

sjackman opened this issue · 4 comments

Graphical Fragment Assembly (GFA) format describes the contig overlap graph of a genome sequence assembly. Bandage can be used to visualize this graph. The format specification was originally drafted by Heng Li and is now community-maintained and nearing completeness. The format allows optional fields similarly to the SAM spec.

Hi Shaun, I am working on this, it is actually quite helpful to use GFA as an exchange format. Next updated version (quite soon, I hope) will have some GFA support, even if not perfect.

Leaving this open till the support is on the main branch and tested...

That's great! Thanks, Bernardo. I'm excited to see more interoperability between assembler pipelines.

This functionality is provided by hbv2gfa in older branches and will be provided directly in the next release.