Blue Robotics has chosen to retire this project, it is no longer maintained or supported. Bug reports and feature requests are no longer accepted. The repository has been archived and made read-only. The source is still available and can be forked, but this project may be permanently removed from GitHub in the future. For questions and further information, check out the Blue Robotics discussion forums and Gitter channel.
Robotic solar powered surfboard propelled by the BlueRobotics T100 Thruster.
The SolarSurfer is robotic surfboard propelled by two T100s. It will be launched from the coast of California on a 2,500 mile journey to Hawaii. It will complete the three-month trip completely autonomously.
Cause why not.
Note: The xml version of the embedded diagrams can be modified with
The following hardware is used:
- qty. 1 8ft surfboard
- qty. 1 custom weighted keel
- qty. 2 BlueRobotics T100 Thrusters
- qty. 2 BlueRobotics Basic ESCs
- qty. 3 Pelican 1200 cases
- 120 W SunPower Solar Panel for energy
- Morningstar Solar Charge Controller for power regulation
- 12V, 18Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery
- 3DR APM 2.6
- 3DR Power Module for 5V power regulation and current monitoring
- 3DR uBlox GPS with Compass - for position tracking
- 3DR Radio for short-range telemetry
- Hitec Optima 6 Rx for manual control
- Rock Seven RockBLOCK for satellite communications
- BLDC Monitor
- TTL Serial camera
- Atlas Scientific pH sensor
- Water temperature sensor w/ one-wire interface
- Airmar WS-100WX wind/temperature/pressure sensor
The complete SolarSurfer software system has many parts. These include:
- SolarSurferMessage - a custom message format and encoding/decoding library for JavaScript and C++
- SolarSurferCore - the embedded software running on the SolarSurfer; requires SolarSurferMessage
- SolarSurferAPI - an API that sends, receives, and stores SolarSurfer messages; requires SolarSurferMessage for automated encoding and decoding
- SolarSurferCommander - a private app to review telemetry and build command messages
- SolarSurferInfographic - a public app to view telemetry in an engaging format
- tbd
- First test in open ocean, 20km distance traveled autonomously
- Testing autonomous control via SolarSurferCore
- Testing end-to-end telemetry with SolarSurferCore, SolarSurferAPI, and SolarSurferCommander
- Dry land test with thruster in a tank
- Evaluating solar performance
- Testing end-to-end telemetry with SolarSurferCore, SolarSurferAPI, and SolarSurferCommander
- Testing autonomous control via SolarSurferCore
- Complete two successful figure eights!
- First integrated test in a large body of water
- Manual control w/ Aurora 9 TX
- Tested thrusters mounted on surf board for the first time
- Manual control w/ Aurora 9 TX