
C++ hybrid-a-star extracted from ROS2 nav2 stack

Primary LanguageC++

Hybrid A*

C++ Hybrid A*

Implementation is mostly based on 2020 nav2_smac_planner by Steve Macenski while at Samsung Research. This is also the source for high level information about the algorithm.



  • Hybrid A* already usable
  • Smoother already usable


  • interface and implementation subject to change
  • CMake build working but preliminary

As far as I remember implementation (from original) throws exception if there is no possible path. This exception is not caught in examples.

The code was refactored out of ROS2 in 2021 and original was probably updated since.


  • ompl
  • eigen
  • ceres
  • opencv (only for GUI example)

Tested with system libraries on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04

Building Instructions

sudo apt-get install libompl-dev libeigen3-dev libceres-dev libopencv-dev
# don't forget recursive, library uses submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/bmegli/hybrid-a-star.git
cd hybrid-a-star
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

For Ubuntu 20.04 or custom OpenCV build set OpenCV path in CMakeLists.txt before cmake ..

Running Examples



  • left mouse button -> start position
  • right mouse button -> goal position
  • any key -> plan
  • esc -> quit

Optionally enable smoother in gui_example.cpp main and recompile.


See examples for now.


A mix of various open sources licenses, mainly:

  • Apache 2.0
  • BSD 2.0
  • BSD

See individual files.