- 1
A fatal error occurred: Serial data stream stopped: Possible serial noise or corruption. on ESP32
#44 opened by alexkaiserlis - 6
ESP32 Timer Issue
#49 opened by yousif20121 - 0
- 0
- 3
IBUSBM_NOTIMER ... problem.
#45 opened by MotoMotoRo - 5
Arduino R4 Minima not supported
#42 opened by boc811 - 4
#43 opened by lucashudson2002 - 0
Error during compilation
#34 opened by koliasa - 1
What is the structure of the packet?
#30 opened by TAGood827 - 1
- 1
- 2
Still receiving data after controller shuts off
#24 opened by rcodddow - 15
nano not work for ibus
#36 opened by hohonorbika - 2
Arduino uno - telemetry - cnt_sensor stays 0
#21 opened by jverhuls - 1
Telemetry on STM32F103C8T6 ...
#41 opened by Atamanul - 1
Wrong timer initialisation for ESP32 giving strange ibus polling frequency
#40 opened by fanfanlatulipe26 - 3
Crash with ESP32 when wifi enabled.
#39 opened by fanfanlatulipe26 - 1
Sensor not working
#38 opened by magnum3131 - 2
Adding RPi Pico support
#29 opened by avibrown - 0
Issues with ESP32-S2
#33 opened by geofrancis - 0
IBUS_SERVO => How to use it?
#32 opened by bubi-luka - 0
Would Like to use Atom Lite
#27 opened by Magnanimousthefirst - 1
Problem with data reception after iBus
#26 opened by stryjekryjek - 2
Teensy Support
#25 opened by nicholaskillin - 8
Support for Arduino Due
#17 opened by itavero - 2
Servo jitter
#22 opened by Ivzo - 23
Error with PWM
#20 opened by jan5650 - 3
ibus_sensor does not work on NANO
#18 opened by Dmitrykrz - 4
Single-wire mode looks that not working...
#9 opened by vertexod - 1
Faster update
#19 opened by jan5650 - 12
IBusBM not compatible with megaavr
#16 opened by haruss77 - 1
- 12
Generic STM32F103C8 Compile error
#15 opened by Ivzo - 2
Generic STM32F103C8T6 Compile error
#5 opened by 1371030 - 1
Library not compatible with ESP32-Cam
#10 opened by Hans007a - 5
Support for 4 Byte Sensor Data - Baro Altitude etc
#12 opened by jc9aj - 1
Works on Uno, Not on Mega
#4 opened by mckirkus - 1
cnt_poll, cnt_sensor, cnt_rec volatile..
#8 opened by wun-4711 - 8
- 1
NodeMCU (ESP8266) compiling error
#6 opened by Rtully