- 4
Maximum execution time of 60+2 seconds exceeded
#832 opened by kossa - 3
- 2
Command logging
#821 opened by dilraj007 - 1
Asset `composer.lock` is invalid...
#811 opened by drupol - 1
Asset `composer.lock` is not valid
#796 opened by drupol - 1
`_HumbugBox235824e31c05\PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber` not found when using `require`
#810 opened by supriyo-biswas - 1
"help show" uses old alias
#806 opened by coandco - 1
- 3
doc/show commands do not work with relative namespaces
#783 opened by tgr - 14
Strange output inside docker container
#778 opened by iwex - 26
Symfony 7 support
#766 opened by nunomaduro - 1
Cumbersome history usage - suggesting node.js-style history autocompletion (feature request/enhancement)
#769 opened by AZBosakov - 5
Deprecated warnings after upgrade to PHP 8.1
#768 opened by GlassGruber - 11
- 2
Strange files in root directory
#762 opened by qshop123 - 4
Enforce declare(strict_types=1) ?
#764 opened by vedadkajtaz - 2
Cannot see deprecated warnings
#761 opened by solodm - 2
Wrongly fails with the presence of [] in arrays
#760 opened by HeySora - 1
Fails in some array cases
#759 opened by withinboredom - 3
Undefined constant "Psy\Readline\Hoa\DS"
#757 opened by dereckson - 1
Wiki Update: Install psysh through homebrew
#751 opened by sbani - 1
Make an official Docker image
#747 opened by mtovmassian - 1
Loop only returns the last value if the curly brackets start on a new line
#756 opened by victorelec14 - 4
'prompt' config isn't working
#755 opened by phil-s - 3
psysh refuses to show character '0' in input
#754 opened by aaarbk - 9
Cannot use `require` or similar in shell, PHP 7.3.5
#752 opened by ooglek - 1
Exception conversion results in wrong stack trace
#750 opened by tgr - 6
Symfony deprecation trigger
#746 opened by Nek- - 3
Make typing shell commands a toggleable feature
#739 opened by nsrosenqvist - 1
stream_wrapper_register(): Protocol hoa:// is already defined in psy/psysh/src/Readline/Hoa/ProtocolWrapper.php:473
#728 opened by TAGHREEDAA - 2
Pager process crashes on macOS
#729 opened by zonuexe - 2
sudo does not work with private constructor
#748 opened by tgr - 2
Process forking does not work with XDebug
#742 opened by tgr - 5
Call to a member function fetchColumn() on boolean
#741 opened by tgr - 2
Don't call fork+execve just to find a binary
#736 opened by wdoekes - 1
Cmder link in wiki leads to ads
#735 opened by Rarst - 38
- 2
Activate auto-completion for non-GNU Readlines
#732 opened by zonuexe - 1
Terminfo file does not exist
#727 opened by enesbsafak - 1
InvalidArgumentException with message 'Unable to find type name' if using union return types
#725 opened by Radiergummi - 4
- 6
All output is paged with `less` and pager must be manually quit after every command
#721 opened by bakerkretzmar - 1
- 2
Deprecated notices
#720 opened by SalesformNederland - 3
History does not show long lines in full
#711 opened by ooglek - 3
- 7
Error running 'help' - return value of UnicodeString::length() must be of the type int, null returned
#714 opened by irongaze - 2
PsySH and Cyrilic Support
#710 opened by TechnoDexx - 2
Stop PsySH From using local version in project
#709 opened by michaelbutler - 2
Document icons not supported on all devices
#707 opened by BaseMax