- 2
Set default size only
#869 opened by Karpengold - 0
BUG v10.4.13 The position of RND DIV was moved incorrectly, resulting in page display errors
#951 opened by FishOrBear - 1
prevent stacking
#899 opened by stevenChen2022 - 0
Rnd element can't be draged and resized
#949 opened by alisachen999 - 17
- 10
When using vite and resizing from other than right and bottom - the element is shaking weirdly
#945 opened by iongion - 0
- 4
Error: <DraggableCore> not mounted on DragStart! when trying to use in NextJS
#941 opened by nikshepsvn - 4
- 1
Resize position doesn't work properly in NextJs 14 and React concurrent mode
#944 opened by shuo-hiwintech - 5
- 1
i am gettting issue when i go in mobile screen that time i have component inside ResizableAndDraggable component its not working
#940 opened by st4rkjatt - 2
- 4
Bug: onResize does not respect resizeGrid
#901 opened by jonocodes - 0
MaxHeight doesn't work when using percentage
#914 opened by kerscha - 1
- 4
- 1
- 0
Rnd Window position changes when published to Vercel
#919 opened by voffie - 1
- 0
Rnd and react-draggable issue
#916 opened by achoud44 - 0
- 0
- 1
transform: translate value is not getting calculating when we do window resize
#877 opened by kaleshasheik - 5
Bug: Webcam/Screen-share video rendered inside Rnd disappears on safari when moved/resized
#904 opened by Liron-Toledo - 1
Is It Possible To Set Bound Dynamically?
#895 opened by msueping - 0
Dialog is not retaining to it's older position, after zoom-in and zoom-out,
#908 opened by Pandeyswastik23 - 0
Not able to maintain aspect ratio of image when resize from corners like topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright
#905 opened by imajayt - 1
Incorrect cursor when dragging on safari browser
#856 opened by amatelic - 0
Cannot retain dragSource while dragging.
#902 opened by tulasinandan654 - 0
No branch/tag for v10.3.7
#878 opened by anudeepreddy - 2
v10.4.0 is empty
#898 opened by zimo888 - 0
Tag Update
#897 opened by 503838450 - 0
react18 can not render
#891 opened by cosoc - 1
- 0
onDragStop and onResizeStop position issue
#882 opened by sahildaswani - 0
Dragging after setting disableDragging to false, while touch is still down
#880 opened by gunnartorfis - 1
- 1
Text Contents ge blurred (out of focus) after dragging due to floating values in pixels (transform/translate)
#874 opened by felipenmoura - 0
Question: Can I prevent Rnd from being dragged onto a child of the bound parent?
#870 opened by msueping - 4
Static position for resize-only Rnd element
#844 opened by rubenesque-code - 1
How to get current position and size?
#868 opened by HeWei-imagineer - 1
Publish v10.3.6?
#860 opened by TaylorBriggs - 0
Missing accessibility support
#858 opened by arun-sasidharan - 0
- 2
- 0
can you add bound support for svg elements both in react-rnd and re-resizable
#847 opened by Raghu3130 - 0
disableResizing flag (feature)
#845 opened by DevinLeamy - 0
Export Resizable and Draggable Components
#843 opened by Zaitsev - 0